Majority support Budget initiatives : Photo Gallery
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Majority support Budget initiatives : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites
New Poll Finds a Deep Distrust of Government
With Election Day just over a year away, a deep sense of economic anxiety and doubt about the future hangs over the nation, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll, with Americans distrust of government at its highest level ever. The combustible climate helps explain the volatility of the presidential race and has provided an opening - New York Times/CBS News poll finds Americans harbor deep sense of economic anxiety, and that their distrust of government is at highest level in nations history; two-thirds of those polled think wealth should be distributed more evenly in country, and many sympathize with frustration at root of Occupy Wall Street protests. Graphs, Photo (M) - By JEFF ZELENY and MEGAN THEE-BRENAN; Marjorie Connelly, Marina Stefan and Dalia Sussman contributed reporting.
Pérez; Steinberg Endorse Majority Vote Budget Initiative
... their support for the Yes on the Majority Vote Budget Initiative. “I support efforts like this one that lead to California’s budget being approved by a majority vote.”
Join the Fight to End Budget Gridlock
Reforms California’s broken budget process by requiring a majority vote on the state budget – like ... Show your support for Prop 25 and help spread the news. Together, we ...
California Proposition 25, Majority Vote for Legislature to Pass ...
... there are omissions and provisions in Proposition 25 that make this initiative difficult to support. Other states with majority- vote budgets have two-year budget cycles ...
South Africa: KZN Unveils a Hit and Miss Provincial Budget
With regards to job creation, however, the IFP expresses its disappointment that the support for small businesses ... performance monitoring of these initiatives. "On a related note, the ever increasing budget allocations for the Youth Ambassadors in ...
How to Obtain Executive Support for Strategic Marketing Initiatives ...
Lead generation activities own the majority of the marketing budget in most B2B companies. ... My suggestions for convincing your executive team to support strategic marketing initiatives will hopefully point you in the right direction. They're ...
In Small Burst of Bipartisanship, House Passes Two Pieces of Jobs Bill
WASHINGTON -- For the millions of Americans despondent over the inability of Democrats and Republicans to agree on a single piece of new jobs legislation: Fear not! On Thursday, the House passed a very modest measure to end a tax withholding program, one that had yet to affect a single American, but which President Obama has agreed should go. No - By JENNIFER STEINHAUER
Federal Agencies Implement Hundreds of Initiatives
The initiatives supported a range of renewable energy sources, and the most commonly supported sources were bioenergy, solar, and wind. Also, the initiatives supported a ... Agencies' renewable energy efforts increased in recent years as a result of the provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and other factors, but the level of future efforts is less certain with the expiration of these provisions and budget constraints. Across agencies, more ...
A MEASURE OF CHANGE; Obamas Deficit Dilemma
WASHINGTON -- President Obama was backstage at an auditorium at George Washington University last April preparing to give a major speech, when William M. Daley, then his chief of staff, spied an unexpected guest in the audience: Representative Paul D. Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee, whose budget plan Mr. Obama was about - Pres Obama opted not to endorse proposals of the Simpson-Bowles commission, a panel he created, but later adopted many of them in a modified form, a sign of his larger struggle with the politics of deficit reduction; story of how Obama dealt with deficit commission shows how those struggles have curbed his ambitions and forced him to confront the limits of his persuasive powers (Series: A Measure of Change). Chart, Photos (L) - By JACKIE CALMES
Coffee Party USA | A Great Week for No Labels — No Budget, No ...
No Labels has been advocating for bi-partisanship on this and other initiatives with support from Coffee Party USA. "There was some concern in the Coffee Party community, because not everyone in Congress is a millionaire and this law ... Empower the sensible majority by reforming House and Senate procedures to fast-track legislation with majority support. 5. Change the congressional work schedule so that Congress can get the American people's work done.
California Proposition 25, Majority Vote for Legislature to Pass the ...
Feb 19, 2012 ... Supporters of the initiative called it the Majority Vote Budget Initiative. ... Fine print in the initiative, drafted by a labor coalition whose main ...
NDP warns minority Liberal government not to take their support for granted
The government is acting as if it has a majority, complained Horwath ... The Liberals know they need opposition support to pass the budget and any other initiatives, said Economic Development Minister Brad Duguid. "I think every day in the legislature ...
FY13 operating budget public testimony March 6 – 7
Fairclough said that those amendments will include proposals to fund a number of new programs requested in the Board of Regents' budget, including the “New Initiatives to Improve Graduation Rates;” UAF's “Support for Increased Engineering Retention and Graduation” and “Early Childhood Program ... A majority of the Finance Committee members must agree to adopt these amendments when they are offered, or these initiatives will not make it into the budget.
Fate of ballot measures often depends on the wording
The ballot initiative campaign looked like it had momentum, with polls showing a majority of Californians in support of pension changes ... In California, a budget deal in early 2009 referred tax increases to the ballot. The legislature ...
AARP Urges Senators to Support Budget Control Act of 2011 ...
AARP Urges Senators to Support Budget ... we write to urge your support of the Budget Control Act of 2011 introduced by Majority ... INITIATIVES. Government Watch. Black ...
Same-Sex Marriage Battles Heat Up in 2012
In 2004 when President Bush was running for re-election, Republican strategists increased the turnout of conservative voters by placing initiatives to ban same-sex marriage on the ballot in 11 mostly rural states, where the initiatives passed by 60-70%. But now that a majority of Americans support same-sex marriage rights, not only the Republican Party but also the Democratic Party is exploiting this wedge issue in states where they think it will benefit them.
Building a Better Mitt-Bot
Your story about dust regulation captures my interest, Mitt Romney said to the farmer, sounding as if he actually meant it. It was a late October afternoon in Treynor, Iowa, the setting for one of those campaign meta-events at which a presidential candidate enjoys a casual moment with real people that is in fact carefully staged and dutifully - Robert Draper article examines reasons behind decision by Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romneys campaign to portray him as a fixer and a business man, rather than someone voters would feel comfortable having a beer with. Photos (L)a - By ROBERT DRAPER
Initiative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The vast majority of national initiatives introduced since 1891, when the system started, have failed to receive voter support. Ireland. Provision for the initiative was ...
CITIZENS INITIATIVES ASSEMBLY - Complete Text of Opening Rules
... worthy Candidate Initiatives. By a two-thirds majority ... in the Boules budget Direct Initiative at ... of an Advisory Initiative to test whether people either support ...
Gov. Browns tax proposal enjoys support in poll
- A strong majority of Californians support Gov. Jerry Browns plan to ... earners to help close the states budget ... we have a number of proposals and initiatives ...
Colorado Lawsuit Challenges Wisdom of the Ballot Box
DENVER -- Few elected officials would ever dare say, at least within earshot of a microphone, that voters making public policy decisions through ballot-box referendums are less capable or wise than legislators deliberating under a capitol dome. But now a federal lawsuit challenging Colorados 20-year-old taxpayer-controlled state budgeting process, - Suit filed in federal court by current and former state and local officials is challenging Colorados Taxpayer Bill of Rights, a 1992 amendment to the state Constitution that is generally considered to be the tightest cap on spending and taxation in the nation, arguing that process blocks the ability and jurisdiction of the state Legislature to do its job; case is seeking to dispute the taxpayer-controlled state budgeting process and the assumption that voters always know best. Photos (M) - By KIRK JOHNSON
Walker: Presidential Candidates’ Budget Plans Not Feasible
All four of the GOP presidential candidates have proposed plans with varying degrees of specificity, and President Barack Obama set out his plan in his recently proposed budget ... meaning that it must achieve majority support in the House, a 60-vote ...
Poll says Slim majority support Gov. Jerry Brown's tax plan ...
Mar 8, 2012 ... Even though most Californians think the budget is a big problem, a slim majority of likely voters say they support Gov. Brown's tax initiative.
Green groups decry energy fund budget raid
A part of the proposed state Assembly budget bill has two ... of millions of dollars programs to support solar, wind and energy efficiency. A letter issued Wednesday to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos reads in part ...
HELP!!!!!! what are the functions of executive branch departments?
1.what are the functions of executive branch departments, agencies, and commissions?
a-Advise the president on policy initiatives
b-advise congress on their policy initiatives
c-serve the interest groupd they serve
c-execute and administer the laws
2. The president can set the agenda of his administration by:
a-using the media to by pass other elected officials to gain public support
b-appointing party faithful and key supporters to important political positions
c-establishing the administative policy objectives for the executive branch
d-creating the proposed federal budget and other proposed legislation
3. Executive agreements are used extensively by the president to by pass congress because:
a-the senate does not raitfy these agreements like it would a treaty
b-executive agreements have the force of law, but cannot conflict with the constitution or treaties
c-executive agreements commit the government to action with foreign nations
d-at times, congress has ben unaware of these agreements
e-trade agreements, however must now be passed by a majority in each house of congress
4. The president is informally controlled by:
A-an unexpected crisis can de-rail his initatives
B-limits of time and attention span of this public in support of his programs
C- the federal government programs and spending cannot be easily redirected or altered
D-Risks of adverse public opinion of his acts
5. Which presidents, without the approval of congress, deployed troops, suspended the right of habeas corpus, and allowed civilans to be tribed in military courts?
A-George W bush
B-Ulysses Grant
C-James Polk
D-Abraham Lincoln
6. The role of the party in each house is to:
A-Advice from party leaders
B-Advise from staff
C-Advise from lobbyists
D-Constituents from his/her district
E-Cues from the white house (presidental staff)
F-His/her conscience
Answer: For real? This is info is very easy to find in your text book and the internet. Doing homework is part of the learning process. Learn something!
Category: Government
Support the Majority Vote Budget Initiative: Common sense budget reform. The Majority Vote Budget Initiative does two things: 1) Changes the vote requirement ...
Lets travel down political memory lane all?
1980: Ronald Reagan runs for president, promising a balanced budget
1981 - 1989: With support from congressional Republicans, Reagan runs enormous deficits, adds $2 trillion to the debt.
1993: Bill Clinton passes economic plan that lowers deficit, gets zero votes from congressional Republicans.
1998: U.S. deficit disappears for the first time in three decades. Debt clock is unplugged.
2000: George W. Bush runs for president, promising to maintain a balanced budget.
2001: CBO shows the United States is on track to pay off the entirety of its national debt within a decade.
2001 - 2009: With support from congressional Republicans, Bush runs enormous deficits, adds nearly $5 trillion to the debt.
2002: Dick Cheney declares, “Deficits don’t matter.” Congressional Republicans agree, approving tax cuts, two wars, and Medicare expansion without even trying to pay for them.
2009: Barack Obama inherits $1.3 trillion deficit from Bush; Republicans immediately condemn Obama’s fiscal irresponsibility.
2009: Congressional Democrats unveil several domestic policy initiatives — including health care reform, cap and trade, DREAM Act — which would lower the deficit. GOP opposes all of them, while continuing to push for deficit reduction.
September 2010: In Obama’s first fiscal year, the deficit shrinks by $122 billion. Republicans again condemn Obama’s fiscal irresponsibility.
October 2010: S&P endorses the nation’s AAA rating with a stable outlook, saying the United States looks to be in solid fiscal shape for the foreseeable future.
November 2010: Republicans win a U.S. House majority, citing the need for fiscal responsibility.
December 2010: Congressional Republicans demand extension of Bush tax cuts, relying entirely on deficit financing. GOP continues to accuse Obama of fiscal irresponsibility.
March 2011: Congressional Republicans declare intention to hold full faith and credit of the United States hostage — a move without precedent in American history — until massive debt-reduction plan is approved.
July 2011: Obama offers Republicans a $4 trillion debt-reduction deal. GOP refuses, pushes debt-ceiling standoff until the last possible day, rattling international markets.
August 2011: S&P downgrades U.S. debt, citing GOP refusal to consider new revenues. Republicans rejoice and blame Obama for fiscal irresponsibility.
Why America leaning more and more left?
Do you mean the The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977??? 1977?
Answer: Holy f*cking sh!t.
Category: Politics
Washington Supermajority Vote Required in State Legislature to ...
Support. Initiative 1053s goal, according to its supporters, was to ... or 34 House members, the difference of a simple majority and supermajority — veto authority on budget ...
California Democracy Act
The majority wants to support and enhance public education ... Prop 25 will allow a responsible majority to bring in a budget ... LAKOFFS INITIATIVE: DONT T-YOU, DONT T-ME ...
Poll: Slim majority support Jerry Browns tax plan
SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Even though most Californians think the budget remains a big problem, just a slim majority of likely voters say they support Gov. Jerry Browns proposed tax initiative for the November ballot, according to a survey released ...
what are the functions of executive branch departments?
1.what are the functions of executive branch departments, agencies, and commissions?
a-Advise the president on policy initiatives
b-advise congress on their policy initiatives
c-serve the interest groupd they serve
c-execute and administer the laws
2. The president can set the agenda of his administration by:
a-using the media to by pass other elected officials to gain public support
b-appointing party faithful and key supporters to important political positions
c-establishing the administative policy objectives for the executive branch
d-creating the proposed federal budget and other proposed legislation
3. Executive agreements are used extensively by the president to by pass congress because:
a-the senate does not raitfy these agreements like it would a treaty
b-executive agreements have the force of law, but cannot conflict with the constitution or treaties
c-executive agreements commit the government to action with foreign nations
d-at times, congress has ben unaware of these agreements
e-trade agreements, however must now be passed by a majority in each house of congress
4. The president is informally controlled by:
A-an unexpected crisis can de-rail his initatives
B-limits of time and attention span of this public in support of his programs
C- the federal government programs and spending cannot be easily redirected or altered
D-Risks of adverse public opinion of his acts
5. Which presidents, without the approval of congress, deployed troops, suspended the right of habeas corpus, and allowed civilans to be tribed in military courts?
A-George W bush
B-Ulysses Grant
C-James Polk
D-Abraham Lincoln
6. The role of the party in each house is to:
A-Advice from party leaders
B-Advise from staff
C-Advise from lobbyists
D-Constituents from his/her district
E-Cues from the white house (presidental staff)
F-His/her conscience
Answer: 1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. D
Category: Government
GOP lawmaker calls for tax on millionaires in symbolic break with ...
Democrats had proposed a variety of spending initiatives throughout the fall, the cost of which was offset by various millionaire surtaxes, or closed loopholes for corporations (especially oil companies). The surtax has become a favorite ... The legislation will likely never become law considering a balanced budget amendment has nowhere near the 2/3rds majority support needed in Congress to be sent to the states for a vote, a point echoed by Norquist. "It's never going to happen," ...
Bob McDonnell Backs D.C. Budget Powers
In a letter dated Feb. 9 obtained by Roll Call this evening, McDonnell wrote to House Majority Leader Eric ... I am writing to offer my support for Chairman Issa’s initiative to give the District of Columbia certain budget autonomy over its own budget ...
New London school budget backers have their say, support music and art programs
The Board of Education plans to vote on and submit its $42.9 million budget to ... room for any new initiatives." Residents have addressed the school board since budget talks began in January, but on Thursday evening the majority touched on ...
Cuomo Pushes Job Creation In 2012 Plan
ALBANY -- Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, vowing to revive New Yorks stagnant economy, on Wednesday unveiled more than a dozen initiatives aimed at creating jobs across the state, including building the nations largest convention center in Queens and offering $1 billion in incentives to lure companies to Buffalo. Delivering his second annual State of the - New York Gov Andrew M Cuomo, delivering his second annual State of the State address, vows to revive the states stagnant economy; unveils more than a dozen initiatives aimed at creating jobs, including building the nations largest convention center in Queens and offering $1 billion in incentives to lure companies to Buffalo. (M)1 - By THOMAS KAPLAN
Democrats want to protect terrorists and illegal immigrants, why not protect the United States from terrorist?
Senate Republicans Want to Revive Border Security Plan
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
With a comprehensive immigration bill in the dustbin, Senate Republicans sought Wednesday to win passage of its most popular piece, a $3 billion plan to improve security along the U.S.-Mexico border.
The budget-busting GOP measure would be added — over White House opposition — to a pending bill to fund the budget for the Homeland Security Department.
Republican sponsors such as Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire said securing U.S. borders is as important a priority as fighting terrorism and the war in Iraq.
The move comes in the wake of the collapse in the Senate of President Bushs immigration plan, a compromise combining the popular border security initiative with a deeply controversial plan to legalize as many as 12 million unlawful immigrants.
The White House has already threatened a veto of the underlying homeland security bill for breaking Bushs budget and Gregg said the White House opposes the border security plan offered by Senate Republicans.
"The administration position ... is that they oppose it," Gregg said.
During the immigration debate last month, proponents of the broader approach such as Bush and Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina argued that splitting up the compromise immigration package and passing border enforcement first would doom the broader effort.
But Graham said Wednesday that the public wont accept more controversial elements — such as a plan to give million of illegal immigrants a way to earn U.S. citizenship, dubbed "amnesty" by opponents — until the porous border with Mexico is made more secure.
"Border security is the gate that you must pass through to get to overall comprehensive reform," said Graham, who is up for re-election next year and facing political heat at home for backing Bushs unpopular immigration plan.
The emergency border security funding proposal is similar to one Republicans tacked onto an immigration measure to garner more GOP support for the bill, which died last month.
Democrats had supported that move — an infusion of $4.4 billion in mandatory funding — as a way of drawing broader backing for the compromise bill.
But it also includes several provisions that Democrats said went too far, such as allowing law enforcement officers to question people about their immigration status, cracking down harshly on people who overstay their visas, and imposing mandatory prison sentences on illegal border crossers.
For their part, Senate Democrats mulled their options on the GOP plan, which requires 60 votes to pass the 100-member Senate since it would be financed through additional debt. Democrats didnt immediately signal a willingness to kill the plan outright.
"On first glance, theres some stuff in this proposal we can support, but much of it also appears to be pretty objectionable," said Jim Manley, spokesman for Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev.
One option under consideration is a Democratic countermeasure that would blend border security funding with bipartisan provisions to allow more foreign agricultural workers into the United States and to permit some immigrants who have grown up in the U.S. to become citizens if they go to college or serve in the military.
The GOP move is reminiscent of the successful plan last year to pass a bill to build vehicle barriers and 700 miles of fence on the southern border aimed at keeping out illegal immigrants from Mexico and other countries.
That effort was passed under GOP control of the House and Senate after the Senate passed a comprehensive immigration plan and House GOP leaders countered with the border fence initiative.
Answer: Please go away, and take the entire terrorist-fearing, Bible-thumping, liberty-crushing, Religious Right with you.
Category: Politics
Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives
The ILO also has the potential to support initiatives ... However, the majority of GRB initiatives have failed to ... Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives (GRBI ...
Eric Cantor || Majority Leader || YouCut
Now, as our new majority continues to work to cut spending and grow our economy, its time to transform YouCut to its next phase. Take a moment to review the options and ...
Waning Support for Jerry Brown Initiative to Raise Taxes - Los ...
Mar 8, 2012 ... Jerry Brown's ingenious and inventive plan for California's budget woes is to ... A slim majority support Governor Brown's proposed tax initiative.
First Take: Democrats take poll positions. Marijuana laws hazy ...
The survey also shows support for a majority-vote budget measure on the November ballot, while an initiative that would delay implementation of the states ...
Economic Reforms Likely to Continue Under Putin
MOSCOW -- During his two terms as president, Vladimir V. Putin muscled a new kind of capitalism onto the Russian stage, blending government and private business, jailing tycoons and demanding control of the commanding heights of the economy, the petroleum companies that now pump more oil than Saudi Arabia. As Mr. Putin announced his intentions - By ANDREW E. KRAMER
Taps turned off plan to hike water conservation budget
Manno Theos thought that was going too far, and suggested it be cut to $125,000 - a proposal that ended up winning majority support. The cut is not as deep as it appears, as last years budget for the ... $50,000 for a new initiative involving irrigation ...
U.S. Department of Labor - Fiscal Year 2011 Budget in Brief
The Department of Labors budget includes $25 million to support this initiative, comprised of: ... Job Corps has allocated the majority of the Recovery Act ...
Revolt in Greece On Bailout Vote May Oust Leader
ATHENS -- The government of Prime Minister George Papandreou teetered on the verge of collapse on Tuesday, threatening Greeces adherence to the terms of a new deal with its foreign lenders and plunging Europe into a fresh bout of financial turmoil. Several lawmakers in the governing Socialist Party rejected Mr. Papandreous surprise plan for a - Several Greek lawmakers in governing Socialist Party reject Prime Min George Papandreous plan to hold a popular referendum on bailout, raising possibility that he will not survive impending no-confidence vote. Photo (M)0 - By RACHEL DONADIO and NIKI KITSANTONIS; Dimitris Bounias contributed reporting from Athens, and Stephen Castle from Brussels.
Military Cuts And Tax Plan Are Central To a Budget
WASHINGTON -- President Obamas final budget request of his term amounts to his agenda for a desired second term, with tax increases on the affluent and cuts in spending, especially from the military, both to reduce deficits and to pay for priorities like education, public works, research and clean energy. While Republicans issued the usual - President Obama makes his final budget request of his term for the 2013 fiscal year, focusing on issues that reflect his future agenda if elected to a second term; proposes tax increases on the affluent and cuts in spending, especially from the military, to reduce deficits and pay for priorities like education, public works, research and clean energy. (M) - By JACKIE CALMES; Helene Cooper contributed reporting from Annandale, Va.
Most federal energy initiatives come from four agencies, GAO finds
GAO filed the report at the request of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, collecting data from budget documents ... and many initiatives supported multiple resources. The majority provided support to the private sector.
Poll Shows Californians Cooling To Governor Brown's Tax Initiative ...
SACRAMENTO (KCBS) – Even though most Californians think the budget remains a big problem, just a slim majority of likely voters say they support Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed tax initiative for the November ballot, ...
Proposition 25 | Propositions | Voter Information Guide November 2 ...
RETAINS TWO-THIRDS VOTE REQUIREMENT FOR TAXES. INITIATIVE ... Ends budget gridlock by allowing a majority of legislators to pass the budget, but DOES NOT LOWER ...
Lawsuit seeks to halt Pa. welfare cuts at the pass
“For years, DPW (Department of Public Works) has consistently asked for and received woefully inadequate appropriations to support ... this budget," he said. Telephone and email messages left at the offices of Republican House Majority Leader ...
Recent initiatives in Budget 2012 aimed at giving lower-income families a leg up, helping seniors live well and longer, and supporting those with disabilities have garnered strong support from Singaporeans. This was revealed in a telephone poll conducted ...
Namibia: MPs Views On 2012/13 Budget
The sum total of all the initiatives will increase ... contribution to the 2012/13 national budget discussions in the National Assembly. The Swapo back-bencher says developing ICT as a cross-cutting theme would support the creation and distribution of ...
Entries tagged with "State Budget" | EdSource Extra!
Mar 9, 2012 ... A Public Policy Institute of California survey shows majority support among likely voters for Gov. Jerry Brown's tax initiative — from all political ...
MajorityRules Blog | Promoting Citizen Awareness and Active ...
Tagged with: Initiative 1053 • Majority Votes • tax exemptions • Washington State ... are finding it harder and harder to get services or support because prior budget ...
California Teachers Association – Blog
2 days ago ... “Trigger cuts” of that magnitude are part of the governor's budget proposal, .... Uses Governor's Initiative Structure to Close Budget Deficit and Restore Cuts ... oppose more cuts to public education, and a majority support Gov.
Field Poll Online
Majority support for a number of pension reform proposals. 3/16/2011, #2368: Voters ... 25, to allow a majority vote to approve state budgets, remains. 9/25/ 2010 ..... Continued support for initiative to change the state's term limits law. 8/17 /2007 ...
Death penalty opponents move closer to November ballot initiative
But organizers of the SAFE California Act contend that polls show majority support for an initiative that would replace death ... “Medical costs are a large and growing part of the corrections budget, and those costs escalate dramatically ...
TODAYonline | Singapore | Approval for efforts to help vulnerable ...
SINGAPORE - Policies to reduce reliance on foreign manpower were the least popular initiatives of Budget 2012, while efforts to help vulnerable groups got a thumbs-up, according to survey results released by Government feedback unit REACH yesterday. A significant ... The most well-received policies were the ones aimed at uplifting lower-income families, helping seniors live long and well, as well as supporting Singaporeans with disabilities. More than 85 per cent ...
Poll shows Singaporeans' support of Budget 2012 initiatives
14 hours ago ... Poll shows Singaporeans' support of Budget 2012 initiatives ... Budget policies unveiled on Feb 17, three stood out as the most well received, ...
Californias Proposition 25 would have "majority rule" on budgets
... system that rarely produces a budget on time is the aim of a ballot initiative ... So far, voters appear to support Proposition 25. A greater than three-to-one majority of ...
What do you think of the Republicans platform?
Republican Party Census Document/Questionnaire
For those of you who will not receive one.
Here are the questionnaire questions: [All questions share the same generic answers : Yes, No, Undecided]
Homeland Security Issues:
1. If Democrats try to gut the USA Patriot Act and other important laws that promote the safety and security of all Americans, should the Republicans fight back?
2. Should we stop the Democrats from cutting funding for our intelligence agencies or bring back Clinton-era restrictions on inter-agency communications?
3. Do you support the use of air strikes against any country that offers safe harbor or aid to individuals or organizations committed to further attacks on America?
4. Should we do everything we can to stop Democrats from repealing critical border and port security legislation?
5. Should our homeland defense forces use profiling to protect our nation?
Economic Issues:
1. Should we continue working to permanently repeal the Inheritance or “Death Tax”?
2. Should President Bush’s successful income and capital gains tax cuts be made permanent?
3. Should Republicans renew the fight for a Balanced Budget Amendment?
4. Should Republicans unite to keep our pro-growth achievements from the past six years intact by blocking new federal government bureaucracy and red tape?
5. Should Republicans in Congress oppose the new wasteful government spending programs proposed by the Democrats and their leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid?
Domestic Issues:
1. Do you agree that we must stop illegal immigration?
2. Should we continue working for serious tort reform to protect individuals and small businesses from predatory lawsuits?
3. Should we make sure President Bush’s judicial nominees receive fair hearings and up or down votes in the Senate even when Democrats threaten a filibuster?
4. Should Republicans in Congress protect American’s private property rights from eminent domain?
Social Issues:
1. Do you think Congress should pass the Federal Marriage Amendment?
2. Do you want us to defend the recently-passed partial birth abortion ban from attacks by the Democrat majority?
3. Do you support President Bush’s initiative to allow religious and charitable groups to do more to help those in need?
Defense Issues:
1. Do you think U.S. troops should have to serve under United Nations commanders?
2. Do you agree that our top military priority should be fighting terrorists?
3. Should we fight Democrat efforts to impose Clinton-era cuts in the Pentagon’s budget?
4. Should Republicans continue to support the State of Israel?
5. Do you support economic sanctions against North Korea and Iran to stop their nuclear weapons programs?
6. Do you agree that sowing seeds of Democracy and freedom in the Middle East is a worthy goal?
Republican Party:
1. Do you support the election of Republican candidates across the country and the rebuilding of our majorities over the next ten years?
2. a. Did you vote in the year 2002?
b. Did you vote in the year 2004?
c. Did you vote in the year 2006?
3. Will you join the Republican National Committee by making a contribution today?
a. Yes, I support the RNC and am enclosing my most generous contribution of:
b. Yes, I support the RNC, but I am unable to participate at this time. However, I have enclosed $11 to cover the cost of tabulating my survey.
c. No. I favor electing liberal Democrats over the next ten years.
Special Question for RNC members only:
Which issues will be most important to you (rank the top three) as you vote in the Primary and General Elections next year?
Abortion—Education--Federal Budget—Gun Control—Homeland Security—Illegal Immigration—Social Security—War on Terror—Other:
Well if that doesn’t give you a clear picture of the Republican party I don’t know what will.
Answer: Thank you for posting this list of republican plank items.
It shows how small minded they are and what they think of the voters who get letters like this asking for money to support such utter garbage. Notice how they vilify the democrats and independents.
The RNC must not think very highly of their voter support. Any organization that thinks that little of their base deserves what they got and what is about to happen early next year when their candidates are thrown from their offices en masse.
Category: Other - Politics & Government
THE BAY CITIZEN; Newsom Stakes a Claim With Student Protests
Dozens of chanting protesters disrupted a public meeting of the University of California Board of Regents on Monday, driving all but one of the regents from the room. What the hell, said Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, a regent by virtue of his office, as he flashed a smile and strode past nervous police to mingle with protesters. While other regents at -; - By JENNIFER GOLLAN and GERRY SHIH
Support for Browns tax initiative dips
SACRAMENTO, CA- Support for Gov ... while also raising the sales tax to balance the state budget. The latest Public Policy Institute of California poll shows the tax initiative is barely getting majority support at 52 percent, which is way down from ...
Majority support Budget initiatives: ... the introduction of the per-capita household income criterion for pre-s... From: jennpup05 - Source: twitterfeed
Majority support Budget initiatives: By Sophie Hong Recent initiatives in Budget 2012 aimed at giving lower-inco... From: cassandraalysa - Source: twitterfeed