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New bench of SC to hear 2G review plea
The new bench will have Justice GS Singhvi along with another ... Justice Reddy retired two days later July 7, 2011. The centres application seeking the recall of the order setting up the SIT was heard by the bench of Justice Altamas Kabir ...
Justice League: The New Frontier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Justice League: The New Frontier is a 2008 direct-to-video ... that worships something called The Centre, J ... second generation superhero team: Justice League, set to the ...
Judge misses Elton John concert
Maddox said he had a “horrible feeling” as he and Judge Lawton McIntosh watched television news coverage of the pursuit, which reached speeds of up to 100 mph ... at the Laurens County Detention Center on charges of attempted murder ...
Will there be a new world order?
Benjamin Disraeli
First British Prime Minister
"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." -1844
"The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other government, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments plans." -1876
Woodrow Wilson
U.S. President
"Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had mens views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful. so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -1913
"I have unwillingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the free longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and role of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men."
Henry Ford
Industry Giant
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
"The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts."
John F. Hylan
Mayor of New York (1918-1925)
"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control BOTH political parties." -1922
Joseph Kennedy
U.S. Ambassador
Father of JFK & RFK
"Fifty men have run America, and thats a high figure." -1936
Curtis Dall
FDRs Son-in-Law
"For a long time I felt that FDR had developed many thoughts and ideas that were his own to benefit this country, the United States. But he didnt. Most of his thoughts were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the Council on Foreign Relations-One World Money Group.
The United Nations is but a long range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power.
The One-World government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank."
-quote from his book
FDR: My Exploited Father-in-law
Franklin D. Roosevelt
U.S. President
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." -1933
James Warburg
Rothchild Banking Agent
"We shall have world government whether or not you like conquest or consent." -1950
Felix Frankfurter
U.S. Supreme Court Justice
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercises power from behind the scenes." -1952
William Fulbright
U.S. Senator
"The case for government by elites is irrefutable." -1963
Barry Goldwater
U.S. Senator
"The Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. ...they will rule the future." -1964
Carroll Quigley, Ph.D.
G.U. Professor of History
"The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." -1966 from Tragedy and Hope
David Rockefeller
Trilateral Commission Founder
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government.
The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely prefer
OK. Its obvious those of you who are giving me negative feedback didnt even READ WHAT I POSTED!!!!!! READ!!! READ!!!!----^^^
Flinger & Daniel, you already ASSUME I think there will be a New World Order. Why do you think Im asking this question?? Idiots.
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If thats the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." - David Rockefeller, "Memoirs" autobiography (2002, Random House publishers), page 405
Answer: Not if we wake up in time.
Otherwise, the uber rich (aka David Rockefeller) will rule the world.
You may want to see this non-partisan, educational video:
Quotes from the video:
"The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government."
"We can keep our Republic, as Franklin put it, or we will inevitably end up with an Oligarchy, a tyranny of the elite."
Category: Politics
Judge: Triple slaying suspects must give up DNA
Chalue is at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley ... "My money is running out," Casey told the judge. Casey is in jail on $1 million bail. Agostini set a March 20 hearing date to appoint a new lawyer for Casey.
Federal probe finds NC courts discriminate | ...
Now: FOX8 Morning News Watch Live. Search ... A spokeswoman for the state courts stressed that legislators set the system's budget and said there had been requests for additional funding for interpreters, even as the agency's funding has been cut. “We are disappointed ... The federal probe was triggered by a complaint filed by the non-profit N.C. Justice Center on behalf of the Latin American Coalition, Muslim American Society and Vietnamese Society of. Charlotte.
Can you pleases help me summarize this ( 10 pts)?
A century ago, 300 African Americans worked together to establish the town of Allensworth, California, a community that thrived for many years. Recently, a two-day celebration was held there to honor the towns 100th birthday. The celebration also paid tribute to the towns place in the history of civil rights.
In honor of its 100th birthday, Allensworth hosted a variety of family events. These included bike rides, music and dance performances, history exhibits, and town tours. Thousands attended. Several guest speakers talked about the town. They said that to its residents, it was more than a hometown; it was a new beginning.
The town of Allensworth is located between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It was founded in 1908 by a retired Army colonel and escaped slave. His name was Allen Allensworth. Allensworth held the honor of being the Armys first African-American colonel. He served in the Civil War. Allensworth set up the town on fertile land in Californias San Joaquin Valley. He imagined a place where African Americans could own property and live with dignity in a self-sufficient farming community. His goal was to a build a town that would thrive. He believed it would then alter the poor views of African Americans during a time of intense racism. These views were evidenced first by slavery and then by Jim Crow segregation laws.
"[It was] a conscious effort to combat racism at a time when there was very little [being done to combat it]," said Lonnie G. Bunch. Bunch is founding manager of the Smithsonians National Museum of African American History and Culture. Allensworth was unique in its sociological and political mission, Bunch said. "It was more than creating an all-African-American community; there was a national political strategy involved in the founding of Allensworth that makes it unique."
Recognizing that education would be the key to their success, Allensworth residents placed great importance on learning. The town made the school the largest building in town. Citizens taxed themselves in order to hire an additional teacher beyond the one paid for by the state. City planners initially pictured a college in the town center. In 1913, however, Californias state government voted down funding during its drive to end segregation. In addition to schools, townspeople valued libraries as a source of learning and erected the countys first free public library.
The public library was only one of the towns many firsts. Allensworth residents elected Californias first African-American justice of the peace. They also elected the first African-American constable.
"I call the Allensworth pioneers Genius People," said Alice Calbert Royal. Royal was born in Allensworth in 1923. "They had a vision that would uplift an entire race of people," she said.
Allensworth flourished for 12 years, until several events caused the town to decline. Colonel Allensworth died suddenly. The wells that irrigated the towns farms dried up. The Santa Fe railroad moved the trains stop to a neighboring town. Eventually, educated young people began moving away in search of jobs.
But Allensworth is sometimes referred to as "the town that refused to die." It went on to assume a different form. In the 1970s, the California government recognized the towns historical importance. It turned Allensworth into a state park. Since then, on streets named after such influential African Americans as Sojourner Truth and Booker T. Washington, many of Allensworths buildings have been restored. These buildings include several houses, two general stores, a church, and a schoolhouse.
"Out of this community came people who believed… that anything is possible," said Lonnie Bunch, who spoke at the celebration. `
Answer: In 1908 the town of Allensworth, California was established. This town was established by an army colonel named Allen Allensworth. He was the first African American Colonel in the Civil War. Allen wanted to establish a town for African Americans that would thrive, promote self dignity among AAs and help rid the negative views lots of AAs had about society during an intense time of racism.
Allen wanted to work on advancing african americans so he wanted to make sure that this new town was focused on educating african americans. Education would be the key to AAs success in America. The largest building in this town was the school.
im sure you can add some more sentences.
Category: Words & Wordplay
The Hindu : News / National : Set up special panel on linking of ...
The Hindu A file picture of Justice S.H. Kapadia, Chief Justice of India. On Monday, the apex court directed the Centre to take up the interlinking of rivers project ...
Spare Times
AROUND TOWN PASSPORT TO PARIS A book is invariably the cheapest chariot to take us lands away, to paraphrase Emily Dickinson. Accordingly, the Symphony Space series Selected Shorts: A Celebration of the Short Story will be providing fictional transport to Paris and London this month and next, and the McCourt brothers (Frank, Malachy and Alphie) - By THE NEW YORK TIMES
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on ... How one joke by a stand-up comedian, Myq Kaplan ... Anger and Compassion for Arab Justice
Latest Alabama news, sports, business and entertainment
followed by a tour of the cancer center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and another rally. NEW ORLEANS (AP) A BP PLC well site leader on the Deepwater Horizon is appealing a judges order he undergo a medical examination before he can ...
Amid Stacks of Paper, E-Court Is Finally in Session
The Manhattan courthouse is famous for its clean architectural lines and grand outdoor staircase leading to Foley Square. But inside is a Dickensian maze of dark wood and battered cabinets. And paper. Tons of paper. Piles, boxes, and rooms packed with summonses, exhibits and briefs. So much paper. More than two million pieces in 80,000 new civil - By WILLIAM GLABERSON
Why does Sarah Palin hate women who have been raped?
“Despite denials by the Palin campaign, new evidence proves that as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, Sarah Palin had a direct hand in imposing fees to pay for post-sexual assault medical exams conducted by the city to gather evidence.
Palins role is now confirmed by Wasilla City budget documents available online.
Under Sarah Palins administration, Wasilla cut funds that had previously paid for the medical exams and began charging victims or their health insurers the $500 to $1200 fees. Although Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella wrote USA Today earlier this week that the GOP vice presidential nominee "does not believe, nor has she ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test...To suggest otherwise is a deliberate misrepresentation of her commitment to supporting victims and bringing violent criminals to justice," Palin, as mayor, fired police chief Irl Stambaugh and replaced him with Charlie Fannon, who with Palins knowledge, slashed the budget for the exams and began charging the citys victims of sexual assault. The city budget documents demonstrate Palin read and signed off on the new budget. A year later, alarmed Alaska lawmakers passed legislation outlawing the practice.
News of the controversial policy has leaked slowly into the press this week as the presidential campaign has heated up and Palins record has been subject to increasing scrutiny. The practice of charging rape victims has called into question Palins stated commitment to womens issues, her judgment as an executive and her honesty about her record.
The story of the Wasilla policy has made its way from comments on Daily Kos to the pages of USA Today. But clear evidence suggesting Palin knew Wasilla was charging the victims of sexual assault has been hard to find. Placing the city budget records, however, alongside a timetable of Palins firing Chief Stambaugh and hiring Chief Fannon makes it clear the policy was put in place as a direct result of Palins leadership.
The mayor of Wasilla before Sarah Palin, John C. Stein, was also a Republican, though the office was and continues to be non-partisan. Mayor Stein was defeated by Sarah Palin in a campaign that brought in the NRA, Republican partisans, and a whisper campaign that Mayor Stein was Jewish (he is a Christian, but is "proud of such a reputation"). He now runs the Sitka Sound Science Center, a marine research facility in Sitka, Alaska.
Mayor Stein told OffTheBus that he didnt "think victims were billed while [he] was mayor," but that he wasnt certain. He did mention that "Wasilla participated in establishing a Sexual Assault Response Team to set-up a one-stop forensic exam room for victims," evidence of a pro-victim police department. In order to confirm his assertion about the billing policy, he recommended I contact current police chief Angella Long for confirmation. She did not return my request for comment.
However, I was able to eventually track down Irl Stambaugh, police chief of Wasilla from the founding of the department until Sarah Palin fired him for "not fully supporting her efforts to govern." Stambaugh sued for breach of contract, but lost when a federal judge ruled that "police chiefs serve at the behest of the mayor unless otherwise specified." He later served as the executive director of the Alaska Police Standards Council.
It turns out that Wasilla did not bill sexual assault victims for the cost of rape exams while Irl Stambaugh was chief of police. As chief, he had included a line item in the budget to pay for the cost of such exams. He had only just heard about the Mayor Palin/Chief Fannon policy today, and was just as shocked to hear about it as I was.
Checking the budget confirmed former Chief Stambaughs claim. He had included a contingency of $15,000 in his budget for the departments 1st year of existence (1993-1994), $5,000 for 1994-1995 and 1995-1996, and $13,000 for his final year as police chief in 1996-1997, spending $11,625.
Duwayne Charles Fannon, his replacement, halved the budget request in 1997-1998, with a request of $7,298, spending $3,454. However, it seems he began the "victim pays" policy in the 1998-1999 fiscal year. That year, he requested $3,000 but spent only $205. This data can be found in the Document Central section of Wasillas website.
The Document for the 1998-1999 fiscal year begins with a message "To the Citizens of the City of Wasilla:"
The comprehensive annual financial report of the City of Wasilla for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1999, is hereby submitted. The Citys Finance Department prepared the report. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the data, and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with the City. To the best of our knowledge and belief, the enclosed data is accurate in all material respects and is reported in a manner designed to fairly present the financial position and results of operations of the various funds a
Answer: I think it's a case of her totally failing to understand or empathize with ANYTHING outside her experience. I really do believe Atticus Finch when he says "sometimes, you just have to walk a mile in the other person's shoes..." - I don't think Sarah Palin is capable of doing that. I don't think she can understand that a $1200 bill could defiantly deter some one who was just horribly violated from seeking help.
She scares me... friends of mine tell me she literally does hate gays... I'm looking that up now....
Category: Gender & Women's Studies
Judge rules Tappin to stay in jail
Judge Robert Castaneda ruled Tappin ... God only knows how hell bear up. Its heartbreaking." Tappin has spent 23 hours a day locked in his cell at the Otero County detention centre in New Mexico since he was extradited to America. His wife went on ...
City Reopens Park After Protesters Are Evicted
New York City on Tuesday reopened the park in Lower Manhattan where the Occupy Wall Street movement was born not long after a judge upheld the citys move to clear the park and bar the protesters from bringing back their tents or sleeping overnight. The police opened the gates to Zuccotti Park just after darkness fell and let in a single-file line - By JAMES BARRON and COLIN MOYNIHAN; Reporting was contributed by Cara Buckley, John Eligon, Matt Flegenheimer, Joseph Goldstein, Elizabeth A. Harris, Rob Harris, Steve Kenny, Corey Kilgannon and Sarah Maslin Nir.
Urban Justice Center
The Urban Justice Center serves New York Citys most vulnerable residents through a ... crisis by embracing its obligation under the Brad H. settlement and set up ...
7 hours ago ... SINGAPORE - A new Community Justice Centre which would be set up later this year looks set to give more help to litigants who wish to ...
Is this true? Got it in an email...?
Obama Launches total Takeover of Media:
Even the Washington Post describes it like something out of Orwell’s 1984. The FCC has approved a presidential alert system. Obama may soon appear on your television or call your cell phone to warn you about the next specious al-Qaeda underwear bombing event.
Commissioners voted last week to require television and radio stations, cable systems and satellite TV providers to participate in a test that would have them receive and transmit a live code that includes an alert message issued by the president. No date has been set for the test, according to the Post.
Once again, the government has imposed an unreasonable and absurd mandate on business and the American people.
“The Federal Communications Commission today took action to help pave the way for the first-ever Presidential alert to be aired across the United States on the Nation’s Emergency Alert System (EAS),” the FCC announced on February 3 in a press release. “The national test will help determine the reliability of the EAS system and its effectiveness in notifying the public of emergencies and potential danger nationwide and regionally.”
As Next Generation EAS systems become operational over the next few years, they will complement other public alert and warning systems now being developed, including FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) and the Commercial Mobile Alert System that will enable consumers to receive alerts through a variety of multi-media platforms on their smart-phones, blackberries and other mobile broadband devices.
If implemented, the president will be able to commandeer your smart phone any time he wants and for any reason the government deems necessary.
In November, communications company Alcatel-Lucent announced that it’s creating a Broadcast Message Center that will allow government agencies to send cell phone users specific information in the event of a local, state or national emergency, including those now ubiquitous government warnings about fantastic terror plots that invariably fizzle out or are run by FBI informants and agents provocateurs. It seems not a week or two passes that some gullible Muslim is duped by the agency into a fantastic terror plot (for instance, blowing up Christmas trees).
The Broadcast Message Center is designed to force mobile phone manufacturers to adopt the Federal Communication Commission’s Commercial Mobile Alert System. Under the new system, all phones would receive emergency alerts directly from government bureaucrats.
Former DHS boss Tom Ridge has admitted that the government exploits terror alerts for political gain. Ridge said he “was pushed to raise the security alert on the eve of President Bush’s re-election, something he saw as politically motivated and worth resigning over.” A specific al-Qaeda terror alert hyped up prior to the election was downgraded by the DHS after Bush beat fellow bonesman Kerry in the election.
Obama’s warnings about a supposed al-Qaeda attack on targets in Europe was exaggerated for political purposes, Pakistani diplomat Shamsul Hasan said in October. “I will not deny the fact that there may be internal political dynamics, including the forthcoming midterm American elections. If the Americans have definite information about terrorists and al-Qaida people, we should be provided [with] that and we could go after them ourselves,” Hasan said.
No terror event occurred. “It was nothing specific, nothing very new,” said Swedish Justice Minister Beatrice Ask after the official warning. “We agree that there is no indication of concrete targets, concrete dates and concrete terror groups,” added German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.
In addition to your cell phone, the government wants to take control of your internet broadband in the event another phony terror attack threatens the homeland.
Lisa Fowlkes, deputy chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau of the FCC, told FederalNewsRadio on Monday that the FCC is looking at how wireless broadband could also enhance the EAS as part of a recommendation that was in the FCC’s National Broadband Plan from last year. The idea is to hijack broadband and the internet for emergency alerting propaganda with the “Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) being developed by FEMA and the wireless industry,” according to Fowlkes.
The system would break into your computer or wireless device and broadcast presidential propaganda announcements, FEMA reports, so-called “Imminent Threat Alerts,” and AMBER Alerts.
Government has devised other creative ways to disseminate propaganda. For instance, California introduced a bill last year to commission a study on emerging electronic license plate technology and examine ways that it could introduce new ad revenue streams. In addition to ads, the technology would flash Amber Alerts and other information.
Answer: Nothing is New under the Sun! If what ever benefits the Government for more control of the American people---it will be done.
We do not call these, End time Events, for nothing. Just One more step closer to a One World Order.{One Government all in the name of Peace} Sounds good huh?
Nothing surprises me any more. I just hope we all know our Bible, cause only this is going to give you a strong Faith to "OVER COME" at the End. God talks a lot about over coming at the end. Do you recall His Words on this subject?
Only God knows the day or hour but He continually tells us to be ready for anything.
Good idea...don't you think?---To Be READY?
Category: Politics
Again i need some book recommendations please read description?
Ok im going to put this as plainly as possible by putting down 5 of my favorite books and 5 of my least favorite (that means hate, not it was ok or its fine, HATE so just fyi) and a brief description why.
Favorites First by title then by author
1.The Magic of Recluse/L.E.Modesitt,Jr.
This story had a great adventure and the fact that the main character was a way above average level type of guys was a real plus with me. The setting as far as a medieval time period was great as well.
2.The Legend of Drizzt Series/R.A.Salvatore
This series again has such a great action/adventure with plenty of comical scenes and the main character again had that badass dude type quality it was a real treat. O ya again the medieval time period got a plus from me.
3.Dragon Weather/Lawrence Watt-Evans
This book was very similar to the Count of Monte Cristo with a more obviously fantasy edge to it. This story was centered around the main character hardly knowing anything at the beginning to finding a mentor(in this case many mentors) and becoming a brilliant and deadly hand of justice.
4.The Dream Thief/Shana Abe
This was a romance novel but i figured id through it out there cause it really was a good book. It was about a Human thief and a Drakon(Dragon) Marquess (actually she is the daughter of the Marquess) and this book had a happy ending (what can i say im a sucker for a happy ending).It was again set in a medieval time period.( You may be beginning to notice a pattern here)
5.The Lies of Locke Lamora/Scott Lynch
This was about a gentlemen thief and the way his schemes had everyone dancing to his strings like puppets. This was a big hit with me because he showed almost inhuman intelligence with the way he used his plans to get exactly what he wanted.
Now for the least favorite.
1.Assassins Apprentice/Robin Hobb
Wow if your thinking about suicide dont read this book, it is extremely depressing throughout the story nothing seems to go this guys way.
2.Shadow bred/Paul S. Kemp
This story jumped around way to much for me. i kept trying to figure out who the main character was and just when i thought i knew, it would go of and talk about some character that had nothing to do with what was just going on. So it was hard to focused on anything in the story.
3. The Night Angel Series/Bent Weeks
Now this was a little hard to put in this category because i did like the first book and 3/4s of the second but then it got so depressing and the third had the sad ending to it so ya.(Now this has to be the biggest back hand ever because when you get a good book and you really start to like it all the way up to the end and then they hit you with that melodrama sad ending, to me thats like giving me a new plasma screen tv and then hitting it with a baseball bat.)
4.The Magicians Guild/Trudi Canavan
Again i liked this ones plot but its main character was a female. Now i know somebody reading this is going to say im a sexist for that but im not, the reason i dont like women main characters is because im a 20 year old guy and i find it hard to connect with the character because i dont know how a women would feel, act, or react in certain situations.(A typical male problem i think so no big deal.)
5.The Legend of Drizzt vol.12/R.A.Salvatore
This book had Wulfgar one of the sidekicks in the story as the main character. I dont give a DAMN about Wulfgars side adventure. If i wanted to read about Wulfgar i would have bought the legend of Wulfgar. So the reason it ended up here was because they switched the main characters, dont do that.
Ok so a quick review of what my preference in books are: Main character is bada$$ at everything he does most of the time, No female main characters,Should be an action/adventure or if its really really good a romance(note that if you do put down a romance novel it must be a fantasy Sci-Fi) novel/series,No extremely depressing storys,prefer a happyish ending(Romance must meet this qualification),Medieval time period(can be others i just havent found any that have the previous preferences as well).
Well thats about as specific as i can get,now what i put up there is what i prefer but if you have any other good books that you found to be enjoyable please feel free to put them down.Thank you for your help.
P.S. yes i tried (probably failed) to be a little funny in this question but it is still very much true about what my preferences are.
P.S. yes i tried (probably failed) to be a little funny in this question but it is still very much true about what my preferences are.
P.S. yes i tried (probably failed) to be a little funny in this question but it is still very much true about what my preferences are.
Answer: Sword of Shanarra series
The Lair of Bones
Wrath of a Mad God (Darkwar Saga #3) by Raymond E. Feist
Queen of Demons (Lord of the Isles #2) by David Drake
Song of Fire and Ice series
Category: Books & Authors
THESE are not just their stories. Many of the 456 episodes that made up the stunning 20-year run of Law & Order were based on real, recognizable news stories -- loosely based, at least. We take the headline, not the body copy, Dick Wolf, the shows creator, explained in 1997, because the first half of the show is a murder mystery and
New Florence woman accused in Monsour scam claims innocence
A New Florence woman accused of scamming one of four founding brothers of the defunct Monsour Medical Center in Jeannette out of more ... who will say that Dr. Monsour personally set these (accounts) up." However, county detectives allege Becker took ...
Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos ...
Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from ... Small Business Center Fox News Radio Fox News Latino ... warns against premature military strike, set to ...
Judge: No more delays for disbarred attorneys trial
Circuit Court Judge William Stone decreed Monday that Tipler will be tried ... Prosecutor Russ Edgar’s argument against the dismissal centered firstly on his assertion, backed up by testimony, that Tipler had never sent a request for a speedy trial.
Can Pakistan Be Governed?
TO ENTER the office where Asif Ali Zardari, the president of Pakistan, conducts his business, you head down a long corridor toward two wax statues of exceptionally tall soldiers, each in a long, white tunic with a glittering column of buttons. On closer inspection, these turn out to be actual humans who have been trained in the arts of immobility. - James Traub, a contributing writer for the magazine, is the author most recently of The Freedom Agenda. - By JAMES TRAUB
Haryana to set up ADR Centres in 10 districts
... of HSLA and High Court Judge Justice Satish Kumar Mittal. He further informed that these Centres were being set up with an ... NNNN - News Channel from India: News ...
“Saving these services will save lives”
Philip Gould on New Labour and his terminal cancer diagnosis; Sarah Tether's Stand-Up Routine; David Cameron's NHS Pledge. You are here: Home » Comment » ... Today at 5pm the Croydon Labour Women's Forum are hosting a protest outside the multi agency 'Family Justice Centre' set up by the then Labour council in 2005, as it has just received its second £96000 cut in two years from the now Tory council. This is despite Croydon having the highest rate of ...
Dunklin County Set to Open New Justice Center - KAIT-Jonesboro, AR ...
KAIT-Jonesboro, AR-News, weather, sports, classifieds-Dunklin County Set to Open New Justice Center ... Cooking Up a Storm; Winter Weather Closings & Cancellations; Region 8 ...
DANCE; One Mans Jury Duty Is Another Mans Inspiration to Make Choreography
Dancers and choreographers tend to walk through the world wondering what each empty space they see would look like filled with dance. Arthur Mitchell, the artistic director of the Dance Theater of Harlem, is not immune. Called to jury duty three years ago at State Supreme Court in Manhattan, Mr. Mitchell gazed at the elegant rotunda of the - Article on Arthur Mitchell, artistic director of Dance Theater of Harlem, whose Dancing Through Barriers Ensemble performs annually at rotunda of State Supreme Court in Manhattan; Justice Jacqueline Silbermann, member of courts anti-bias committee and sponsor of Dance Theater event, and others comment; photo (M) - By JENNIFER DUNNING
On March 14 Fight Foreclosure Takes Flight! | Occupy Greensboro
The list of participating organizations for this major event is growing with IRC, Guilford Home Ownership Center, Greensboro Housing Coalition, YWCA, American Friends Service Committee, North Carolina Justice Center, Unity in Greensboro Church and ... Tables will be set up in the theater lobby for attendees to speak directly with experts on hand to advise them about fighting fraudulent foreclosure procedures and available resources to help them keep their homes.
New justice center up to Johnson County voters - San Antonio ...
23 hours ago ... The project would include a new jail with 243 beds and six new courtrooms to ease overcrowding and address safety concerns ... New justice center up to Johnson County voters ... Spring Breakers set to roll onto South Padre ...
would you mind being crucified, instead of beheaded say right here in the new islamic usa?
Crucifixion OK with Mideast politicos
Islamic radicals also endorse cutting off hands, whippings
© 2010 WorldNetDaily
The political arm of a radical Islamic group has approved a new law that allows traitors to their government to be crucified, thieves hands to be chopped off and someone guilty of drinking alcohol to be whipped.
Hamas endorsed "nailing enemies of Islam to crosses" even as it was renewing its jihad by lobbing missiles at day care centers, schools and travelers in line "to travel to Bethlehem for Christmas."
Arabic media made it clear that the new laws were very real..."The ancient barbarity of crucification (sic) is brought back to life on the same week as British television broadcasts a Christmas message from the radical Islamic president of Iran,"... "Christians better wake-up as Hamas is bringing back the crucifixion of Christians, Jews and anyone else who does not conform to their ideology."... "Anyone who isnt following the teachings of the Quran is an infidel to them, and according to the Quran they must convert or be killed. So wake up world! That means if you are Jewish, Christian, Gay, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, and so on, and you are not Islamic, you are an infidel to them and they must convert or kill you. They dont care if you are an adult, child, or an infant."...Solution to the problem, for someone inadvertently paralyzed in a car accident, would be to subject the at-fault motorist, to paralysis? Stupidity like this is the reason, 800 years go, Spain expelled the Arabs. First thing on Spains to do list, after kicking out the Arabs? They reimposed absolute, hard-fisted Catholicism, to such breadth, depth and extent, never again will their people become subverted to the religious malpractice, of the army of Islam --
"Muslim Iranian Boy Gets His Arm Ran Over For Stealing Bread" MAYBE SHARIA LAW IS NEEDED IN THE USA.The Code of Hammurobi Justice is used in many parts of Turkey and the Middle East and works well. Hammurobi was the first person to write down a set of laws and penalties everyone was subject to including Hammurobi and nobles. Its the "Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth" set of laws. Saudi judge considers paralysis punishment
Answer: I think I'd prefer being crucified. The company's better.
Here's a crucifying:
Always Look On The Bright Side of Life
Here's a stoning:
Rape of Nanking 2: Japanese Torture Beheading Rape Burning
Category: Current Events
Burleson Crowley Connection » Probation building breaks ground ...
Plans call for constructing a new building near the Guinn Justice Center and selling the current location to get it back on the county's tax base. Harmon said the new office will house all of the department's services under one ...
attorney & staff profiles - New Mexico Justice Center, LLC - Jennifer ...
Criminal and Family Law Attorney located in Clovis and Eastern New Mexico. ... You can contact her to set up a consultation visit. NM Justice Center, Law Office ...
State says health care center must stay open
The state denied Healthbridge Management’s request to close Wethersfield Health Care Center ... judge looking at the facts will find that we have bargained in good faith and in full compliance with the law.” Union workers will set up picket ...
Cape suspect faces new sex charge
He faces up to 30 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. McNicol is in federal custody while a judge considers whether to incarcerate him while the case is pending or release him. No date has been set for ... the National Center for Missing ...
Sotomayor Is Recalled as a Driven Rookie Prosecutor
In the early 1980s, the New York police were stumped by a violent crime spree in Harlem. Four killings. Seven other shootings. All in the course of at least 20 burglaries -- during which the culprit seemed to float into tenement apartments and leave no sign of forced entry. The burglar -- sometimes armed with two guns, sometimes with one -- seemed - By BENJAMIN WEISER and WILLIAM K. RASHBAUM
Judge Orders N.Y. Woman To Set Up Skype Chats Between Ex-Husband ...
Judge Orders N.Y. Woman to Set Up Skype Chats Between Ex-Husband, Kids. Published ... Fedex Ground To Build New Distribution Center In Queens -Report
How does Obama justify this decision and more importantly, why hasnt anyone else called him on it?
WASHINGTON -- One of three Guantanamo Bay detainees transferred by the Obama administration to Saudi Arabia had been implicated in the murder of an American.
The detainee, Ahmed Zaid Salim Zuhair, was accused in the 1995 shooting death of William Jefferson of Camden, N.J., who was working for the United Nations at the time in Bosnia. The death initially was thought to be the result of a mugging, but authorities later determined it was related to terrorism.
Zuhair was found with Jeffersons watch, according to a FOX News source, though apparently there wasnt enough evidence for the U.S. to prosecute him in military commissions.
The release of the three detainees to Saudi Arabia -- the other two are Khalid Saad Mohammed and Abdalaziz Kareem Salim Al Noofayaee -- comes amid fierce opposition in Congress to releasing such prisoners into the United States, but the White House insisted Friday it has not ruled that out.
But with narrowing options, the administration has begun shipping newly cleared inmates abroad to regain momentum in its effort to close the Cuba-based prison camp.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the administration has not abandoned the possibility of releasing detainees in the U.S., but he added that national security considerations would govern any moves.
"Were not going to make any decisions about transfer or release that threatens the security of the country," Gibbs said at the end of a week in which nine detainees were transferred under high security to foreign nations, and one to the United States to face trial.
Gibbs said the release of those detainees showed "marked progress" and other decisions were being made on a case-by-case basis. President Barack Obama said last month that the cases of 50 detainees had been reviewed-- and the administration said 48 of them were waiting for release to foreign nations.
But the prospects for any transfers of Guantanamo inmates to the mainland U.S. have dimmed in recent weeks as Congress acted to block funding to pay for the moves. And foreign countries have been hesitant to take even cleared detainees who were deemed not to pose security threats.
With the latest transfer, the U.S. has removed 10 detainees from Guantanamo in the past week, sending four to Bermuida, one to Chad, one to Iraq, and one to face trial in New York City. That leaves 229 detainees still at the U.S. military detention center in Cuba.
The three detainees who were sent home to Saudi Arabia will be subject to judicial review in Saudi Arabia before they participate in a "rehabilitation" program administered by the Saudi government, the U.S. Justice Department said.
U.S. officials told the Associated Press they were close to a deal with Saudi Arabia and Yemen under which Saudi Arabia would take about 100 Yemeni detainees and place them in Saudi-run terrorist rehabilitation centers.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private diplomatic contacts, would not say how many Yemenis might be transferred or when the agreement might be finalized.
Negotiations on the fate of the Yemeni inmates have been under way for months, stalled over a Saudi demand that Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh publicly endorse the proposal, the officials said. Saleh had refused to do so fearing a backlash among his people, the officials said, and, as of late last month, he preferred for Yemen to set up its own centers.
Obama has pledged to close Guantanamo by early next year, and U.S. officials have been searching for places to resettle detainees, lobbying hard with foreign governments. The pace of those efforts picked up last month after Congress said it would prevent detainees, even those cleared of wrongdoing, from being brought to the U.S.
A deal in principle has been reached with the Pacific island nation of Palau to accept some other detainees.
Besides detainees who might be freed, tried or turned over to foreign governments, there are still others -- highly dangerous -- who the administration says can be neither freed nor tried. These prisoners-- "people who in effect remain at war with the United States," Obama has said-- include detainees who may have received extensive al-Qaida training, commanded Taliban troops or sworn allegiance to Osama bin Laden.
Despite Gibbs comments, a key House panel approved legislation Friday that would deny immigration benefits to any Guantanamo detainees who might be released in the U.S. after being brought here for trial.
The bill, to be voted on soon by Congress, would be in effect until the end of the budget year at the end of September. Lawmakers could then extend the ban.
FOX News Catherine Herridge and the Associated Press contributed to this report.
To Rejected: read the text clown, the question is obvious, but Ill break it down to retard level so it wil be easy for you to understand. There this one guy, who isnt American, actually, hes a bad guy, who killed an American and Obama is releasing him to Saudi Arabia so they can "make him all better". Maybe now you will understand.
Faux Nudes? Oh I get it, you think I got this information from Fox News, well retard, it was the New York Times, actually. Had you spent the time reading the article instead of coming up with smartass answers you would have learned something. You just came off looking silly and retarded, good job.
Of course, a Fox News Reporter contributed to the report, however the source is The New York Times.
Answer: that rejected kid above me gave me the same gay answer on my question about faux nudes...
like really? faux nudes.... how fucking homo is that? i swear if i saw that kid in real like id beat him.
Category: Current Events
Despite Churchs Push on Issue, Some Bishops Assail Health Plan
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has been lobbying for three decades for the federal government to provide universal health insurance, especially for the poor. Now, as President Obama tries to rally Roman Catholics and other religious voters around his proposals to do just that, a growing number of bishops are speaking out against - By DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK
Am I quoting a great American of the Reagan era the old Republican guard or an insignificant malcontent?
January 11, 2010
Insouciant Americans
By Paul Craig Roberts
The rationale offered by the court for refusing to uphold the law came from Judge Janice Rogers Brown, who said that America had been pushed by war past "the leading edge of a new and frightening paradigm, one that demands new rules be written. War is a challenge to law, and the law must adjust." By "adjust" she means "be set aside" or "be thrown out."
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to defend both the Constitution and the principle that government is not above the law. Last Dec.14 the Supreme Court refused to review a ruling by the Federal Appeals Court in the District of Columbia, which dismissed a torture case with the argument that "torture is a foreseeable consequence of the military’s detention of suspected enemy combatants." In other words, neither U.S. nor international laws against torture can be enforced in U.S. courts. The opinion [PDF] was written by Judge Karen Lecraft Henderson.
The "war on terror," which is enriching Halliburton, Blackwater (now operating under an alias), and the military/security complex, while denying Americans health care, is running up debt that is a threat to Americans’ purchasing power and living standards. The contrast between America’s sanctimonious rhetoric and the murder of civilians and torture of prisoners has destroyed America’s reputation and caused Europeans as well as Muslims to despise the United States.
The sacrifice of the Constitution and rule of law to a hyped "terrorist threat" has destroyed the heart and soul of America herself.
As a poet wrote, "our world in stupor lies."
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments, including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insiders Account of Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.
The main index of his syndicated column available online
Answer: People who tell the truth are always hated because the truth is hated
Category: Politics
Teens set off sprinklers at Juvenile Justice Center
... of teen inmates at the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center set ... off, but the incident did require some clean-up ... More News and information from our local news ...
It is an accepted fact that there was murder, intrigue and corruption in Roman politics. It is...?
...widely agreed that big business tends to eschew ethics in its quest for profit. Gypsies and scam artist have probably existed since before the dawn of civilization. Why is it so far-fetched an idea that these tactics exist today and are being used to direct government by monetary influence, especially with former presidents, founding fathers, civic-minded individuals and world leaders all insisting on a monopolistic control of governments by certain powerful banking and business interests? How can people believe in something with less scientific evidence like God or Jesus (I am not saying that they dont exist, merely that there is less tangible evidence of them) but fail to conprehend a monopolistic conspiracy when our world leaders are actually announcing it?
"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an INvisible government owing NO allegiance and acknowledging NO responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul this unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."
President Theodore Roosevelt, 1906
"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
"The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy."
Woodrow Wilson 28th President of the United States
"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
J. Edgar Hoover
"We have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development, and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the world... no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and a vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominent men."
Woodrow Wilson 28th President of the United States
"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
Henry Ford
"The one aim of these financiers is world control by the creation of inextinguishable debts."
Henry Ford
"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen. At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the US government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties."
John F. Hylan, Mayor New York 1918-1925
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible & exercise their power from behind the scenes."
Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court.
"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the Americans freedom,
and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight."
John F. Kennedy, speaking at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson
“The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy.” – Abraham Lincoln (16th US President)
“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom… I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it systematically to corrupt modern civilization. They will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos in order that the earth should become their inheritance.” – Otto von Bismark (1st Chancellor of the German Empire)
“The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the prime reason for the Revolutionary War.” – Benjamin Franklin (US politician and founding father)
“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain
Answer: Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes; Im not being lazy and condescending truly yes!..
However, government inherently is not menace but its behaviour is it can be spanned out of that hopefully. I believe governmental authority and efficiency is possible
Category: Civic Participation
Johnson County Supervisors Agree on Justice Center Funding
IOWA CITY, Iowa – After an acrimonious past week, a more courteous Johnson County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday informally agreed on how to pay for a new criminal justice ... up front. Spending more would put the county in violation of its policy on ...
Community Justice Centre to be set up - Channel NewsAsia
2 hours ago ... A new Community Justice Centre which would be set up later this year looks set to give more help to litigants who wish to represent themselves ...
Terms Of Use - New Mexico Justice Center, LLC - Jennifer Burrill ...
Contact us today to set up your consultation visit. NM Justice Center, Law Office of Jennifer Burrill, LLC й 2011. Unless otherwise specified, the attorney listed on ...
Justice Center Price Tag Set, Bike Friendly Bridge over the Interstate ...
Gregg Hennigan of the Gazette writes that the cost of the new Johnson County Justice Center will be set at $48 million. What remains to be seen is how much of that the Johnson County Board of Supervisors will ask voters to ...
Judge: Lawsuit over traffic ticket quotas may move forward
The Los Angeles combined statistical area (CSA) has a gross metropolitan product (GMP) of $831 billion (as of 2008), making it the third largest economic center in the world, after the Greater Tokyo Area and the New York metropolitan area.
Technology Strategy Board Appoints Consortium to Set up Multi ...
News: The Technology Strategy Board has ... been selected to play a pivotal role in setting up ... Strategy Board Appoints Consortium to Set up Multi-million Catapult Centre
Medical research centres to be set up at Gaya, Muzaffarpur - PTI -
Medical research centres to be set up at Gaya, Muzaffarpur ... Marussia debut new car pending final crash test; Olympic Cards Rs 25-cr IPO to ...
Why doesnt Osama bin Laden change his name to Osama been Laughin?
Thats what I would do. I mean, after he bereaved the families of the World Trade Center workers, Bush decided to add insult to injury by totally ignoring their justice and chasing some made up enemy the other direction across the desert. And while Bush was busy disgracing 9/11 victims, Osama was beatin feet out of dodge with his dialysis machine in tow.
Right now, Osama and his cohorts are chilling while he waits for his new pad to be set up in Iraq after Iran swipes control of it from the faltering grip of the United States. At that point, he can start staging more international havoc by enlisting his impressionable Muslim countrymen and any impressionable Presidents of the United States that happen to want to jump on the bandwagon. But in the meantime, its party at Osamas cave - bring your own non-alcoholic beer (inshallah)!
Answer: Osama's Bins are laden with arms and ammunition given by U.S. Presidents to fight with Soviets.
Osama's Bins are laden with funding given by CIA.
Osama's Bins are laden with Jihadists created and given by George Bush in Iraq.
Osama's Bins are laden with support of huge muslim/non-muslim population around the world, due to the policies of U.S.A, who see Bush as a bigger threat.
His Bins are fully laden and overflowing.
So he is called Osama Bin Laden..
Category: Politics
Are anti-immigration groups delusional, dishonest, or just racist – or all three?
According to analyses of census data by the Cato Institute and the Immigration Policy Center, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born people.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics database, despite a growing population, violent crime rates from 2002 to 2008 dropped sharply (12%) in Arizona and New Mexico.
boobs ---
Thanks for the example of "cherry-picking". I just won $20 from my wife.
I should have gone double-or-nothing on it being the first answer.
Crash Bandicoot ---
No I am not.
While Mexican immigrants account for about one-fifth of the legal immigrants living in the United States, this large percentage is actually a legacy of the Reagan-Republican legalization programs of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), under which about two million formerly undocumented Mexicans acquired legal status.
In terms of the annual inflow of legal immigrants, about one in seven are Mexican. This share is substantially larger than the legal flow from any other country. Mexico is also the single largest source of undocumented immigrants.
Hey, Turtle --
Those "violent" crimes are being committed at higher rates by native-born citizens than by illegal immigrants.
Youve assumed a conclusion and refuse to look at the facts.
Unfortunately, that still is insufficient evidence for me to answer the question.
Told You So --
So, Ill put that down as one vote for "dishonest".
Thanks for the honesty.
Mike C --
No, the cartels have professionals to do that. They have not become so successful by hiring desperate amateurs to move their product.
In fact, the cartels are the big winners here. The increased emphasis on “illegal” immigration has taken some the heat off of them.
How does it feel knowing that you’re helping put money on some drug lord’s pocket? I’m sure the “Thank You” note is in the mail.
Incarceration rates are not isomorphic with criminal activity.
I should have added “uneducated” to the list of options, huh?
edit –
Spare me the sanctimonious “It’s because they are “illegal immigrants” baloney. If that were the case why go to the trouble to make up and/or spread lies involving crime and the economy?
And if you really cared about crime, you would have raised Holy Hell with the Reagan and GHW Bush administrations – which are the only two in American history to have high ranking White House officials convicted of planning and conducting felony crimes from inside the Oval office.
Paul B –
Exactly - the two big winners from immigration are the Mexican government and American business. As long as those who make the rules are the ones who benefit the most, the system will remain the same.
Republicans controlled Congress from 1994-2006 and the White House from 2000-2008. If they had wanted to do something about immigration they could have. Hell, they started wars, bypassed the nation’s environmental laws, and emasculated the US Constitution with hardly a whisper raised in protest.
Immigration is a ‘hot topic’ issue that gets pulled out of the closet every election cycle because it strikes at the fear of ignorant people, the hatred of racists, and motivates many of them to become politically active. The issue then disappears until the next election cycle.
The amazing thing is that the same people fall for the same trick every time without realizing that they are being played for fools.
I lived in Tucson for 30 years. Even if the law is not found unconstitutional, it is doomed to failure. Arizona is loaded with wealthy and politically powerful Hispanic families – families have been there for hundreds of years – before statehood – before the Mexican-American War.
The first time a member of one of those families is detained and harassed unjustly, Arizona will become the law suit capital of the country.
And that seems fitting for the state recognized as the nation’s most stupid:
Hey Eklektikos,
Actually, I understand all three syllables; just as I understand that it is a social problem that needs to be dealt with.
It’s just that everyone having a conniption over the issue sees it incorrectly and every solution offered is misguided and doomed to fail.
Immigration, drug smuggling, and terrorism are different things - completely.
Contrary to alarmist reports, not a single terrorist has ever crossed the border into the US from Mexico. And, why should they – since that is the most difficult way to enter the US. Terrorists fly into JFK just like everyone else. “Airline security” is an oxymoron and a stupid waste of money and resources. Canada and the thousands of miles of coastline are far better entry points than Mexico.
I’ve always thought that for those who think it is so damn easy, there should be a reality TV show where they are dropped off in Sonora in August and forced to make their way – on their own – to Tucson. The desert is full of the bodies of those who try and fail.
According to the National Drug Intelligence Center, the Drug Trafficking Organizations of Mexico and Colombia generate $17 billion to $38 billion every year. You do not run an export business that large unless the receiving country’s government is getting its fair share. What self-respecting politician would allow that to happen without getting their cut of the profits?
Here is the root cause of the problem:
Mexico and the United States share a border that is almost 2,000 miles long. This international border is the longest in the world between an economically developing country and one with a highly developed, industrialized economy.
That is the cause and the reason. Conceptually, it’s just that simple.
And that is also the reason the “Wall” solution cannot work (other than the fact that this is not the Middle Ages). Besides, the drug cartels would get around it anyway because they can afford better engineers and lawyers than the US government.
Mexico is the third largest trading partner of the United States (after Canada and Japan). In turn, Mexico’s largest trading partner is the United States.
Neither government can afford to do anything that disrupts the legal commerce that crosses their borders. Therefore, neither government can allow any wall or security force that hinders or interrupts this commerce.
We cannot “round then up”. Hell, we could not get 100,000 people out of New Orleans when they were all in one building and screaming for the government to come and get them, There is no way we can corral 10-20 million people that DO NOT want to be found.
We cannot go after employers (more than to show a token effort) because that is like going after business and, by extension, the US government. And – those are the folks who make and enforce the rules (laws). They are not about to screw themselves.
I do not know what the solution is – but I do know which ones will fail.
Answer: Gary, Gary, Gary, whatever shall we do with you? All efforts to teach you good conservative values seem at times to be for naught. Then when it seems you are beginning to make progress you become as indecisive as a certain beloved football quarter back that many of us never want to see retire. BUT, I really enjoy your questions, even if I don’t answer all of them. This one as hard as I tried... I could not resist answering.
Anti-immigration groups are not delusional, are not dishonest, and are not racist, they are XENOPHOBIC.
Those opposed to illegal immigration I would call smart, loyal, Americans. Very few Americans are opposed to LEGAL immigration.
We live in a country where laws can be ignored due to political correctness. God, save us all and our country from stupidity, and liberal wack jobs.
What part of illegal don’t you wing nuts understand
Part VIII - General Penalty Provisions
Section 1325. Improper entry by alien
(a) Improper time or place; avoidance of examination or inspection; misrepresentation and concealment of facts
Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.
(b) Improper time or place; civil penalties Any alien who is apprehended while entering (or attempting to enter) the United States at a time or place other than as designated by immigration officers shall be subject to a civil penalty of -
(1) at least $50 and not more than $250 for each such entry (or attempted entry); or
(2) twice the amount specified in paragraph (1) in the case of an alien who has been previously subject to a civil penalty under this subsection.
Civil penalties under this subsection are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any criminal or other civil penalties that may be imposed.
(c) Marriage fraud Any individual who knowingly enters into a marriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, or fined not more than $250,000, or both.
(d) Immigration-related Entrepreneurship fraud Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.
Hey Gary,
>Actually, I understand all three syllables; just as I understand that it is a social problem that needs to be dealt with.<
Gary. I have never had any doubts about your knowledge, your veracity or your abhorrence for mendacity. These are some of the qualities that many of us appreciate about you, along with your position as gadfly extraordinaire, guaranteed to stir up a virtual hornets nest of responses.
My responses are from a desire to get my stick in the fracas and keep things stirred up. Usually meant to target those hopelessly brain dead, the elitist liberals with their superior intelligence and feelings of grandeur, and those individuals “stuck on stupid.”
>It’s just that everyone having a conniption over the issue sees it incorrectly and every solution offered is misguided and doomed to fail.<
I think all Americans should be up in arms over a virtual invasion from South of our border and there are certainly many views over the issue and many are obviously the wrong solutions, I think amnesty of any type is wrong as is the open border solution. However, I am equally positive that there are many that are just as angrily opposed to my views.
As with any complex issue, many problems are being lumped into one and may not have a resolution possible unless they are taken as separate problems.
I do think I have the ultimate solution for our border problems.
First enact immigration laws like those of Mexico and enforce them.
Next, let’s revisit the Halls of Montezuma, take over Mexico and move the Southern border to Guatemala and Belize. PROBLEM of the SOUTHERN BORDER SOLVED.
God I love that idea, Ooh frigging rah!
Okay wing nuts that’s your cue for responses.
Sorry Gary, I am recovering from heart failure and I am feeling tired. I would like to respond further but I must reserve some of my strength in case I need to knock that bony bastard out of his saddle and take his pale horse. Then I become a Sergeant Major, regroup all the Marines and take over Hell.
Category: Politics
Community Justice Centre to be set up - Netizens
SINGAPORE: A new Community Justice Centre which would be set up later this year looks set to give more help to litigants who wish to represent themselves in court.The centre will provide greater integration of legal aid and ...
Why are Conservatives the only ones that believe in equal rights?
Color Blind Court
Conservatives received a double dose of good news yesterday as the death of immigration "reform" was met with an immensely important ruling from the Supreme Court. Chief Justice John Roberts delivered the majority opinion for the Court, holding that school districts in Seattle and Louisville may not assign children to particular schools on the basis of race.
In a line for the ages Chief Justice Roberts explained: "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." Equally moving was Justice Clarence Thomas, who wrote: "What was wrong in 1954 cannot be right today. The plans before us base school assignment decisions on students race. Because our Constitution is colorblind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens, such race-based decision making is unconstitutional."
However, the victory was dampened somewhat by Justice Anthony Kennedy, who joined in the result but refused to join the portion of the opinion declaring that achieving "racial balance" cannot be a "compelling interest" -- i.e., a justification for racial classification by the government. According to Justice Kennedy, race may still be used as a factor if all other alternatives are exhausted.
Nevertheless, the ruling pointed out the significance of the new chief justice and of Sandra Day OConnors replacement, Justice Samuel Alito. OConnor was the deciding vote in Grutter v. Bollinger, a 2003 Supreme Court decision which upheld the notion that race could be one of many factors in determining admission to universities. Justice OConnor memorably intoned in that case: "Twenty-five years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary." Apparently the clock used by Alito and Roberts is set differently.
The importance of the decision was not lost on Democrats, Ward Connerly (the champion of measures to abolish racial quotas and preference including last years successful Michigan Civil Rights Initiative), and conservative activists.
Hillary Clinton was the first Democrat out of the box, predictably bemoaning the Courts decision. If Clinton saw dark clouds, Connerly saw rays of sunshine, declaring in a released statement: "The Supreme Court today made a glorious decision that directly fits with our plans to eliminate race in all facets of American public life." He continued: "This Supreme Court decision shows that the era of race preferences is quickly coming to an end. The Court is finally starting to catch up with what the American people have known for years: Race has no place in American public life."
Roger Clegg, president and General Counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity, said simply "we won" and that he believed "the practical impact will be significant on school boards" who likely will recognize that they are "asking for trouble" if they use race to assign students to schools.
It remains to be seen whether this will impact the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. Rudy Giuliani was the only GOP candidate to respond to request for comment, stating: "I applaud todays Supreme Court decision striking down the racial preferences used in determining students public school placement. I completely agree with Chief Justice Roberts that the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
In the days ahead one can expect that Giuliani will remind voters of his strong stance against racial preferences while mayor of New York. Having run on the slogan of "one standard, one city," he can boast that as mayor he withstood harsh criticism from liberal civil rights groups and abolished minority set-asides and eliminated many race-based affirmative action programs. Senator John McCain and former Gov. Mitt Romney have made statements in the past opposing racial preferences and quotas. As for "testing the waters" candidate Fred Thompson, one of the former Tennessee senators rivals pointed out shortly after the opinion came down that he voted twice in 1995 in favor of affirmative action. (His campaign did not return a request for comment.)
Aside from any ramifications in the presidential primary, the decision was remarkable for conservatives for two reasons. First, the Courts ruling on its own terms reflects conservatives view of America as a society based on merit and individual, as opposed to group, rights. The Courts opinion is a teachable moment for the country at large. The message is simple: the government should not treat people differently based on race.
Second, it comes as a much needed boost for those who have come to view the Bush years as dismal ones for movement conservatives. The Congressional majority has slipped away and the current Administration is a subject of derision and contempt by many. The record of Medicare Part D and No Child Left Behind and the near-death experience with immigration reform has pained many conservatives. The picture on the international front is no less grim. However, a real and significant shift in the Supreme Court may be the Bush administrations most lasting and historical achievement. The work of conservative activists, judges and academics is bearing fruit -- a powerful reminder that Constitutional battles are won over not just years, but decades.
Together with the Courts ruling upholding the federal ban on partial-birth abortion and invalidating McCain-Feingolds issue ad ban, the school cases make clear the Courts direction. Whether incrementally or in bold strokes, the Court no longer will be the handmaiden to the liberal social agenda. If the left wishes to impose an agenda of abortion on demand, racial quotas, gay marriage, and other social experiments, it will need to convince the public and enact its will through either legislation or constitutional amendment -- no easy task, but an altogether appropriate result in a country that fancies itself the worlds great democracy.
Nevertheless, the business of legal conservatives is unfinished, as aptly illustrated by Justice Kennedys concurrence, which joined in the result but left open the distinct possibility that race may still be used as a factor by the government in determining how it treats its citizens. If ever there was a warning that the next Supreme Court justice pick will be critical for generations to come, this case should remind conservatives that the Court matters but is not yet "won."
For the country at large, the ruling highlights the difference between the parties. The Democratic Party is determined to maintain a Rube Goldberg-like system of racial preferences and quotas. The Republican Party defends the view that the government should rarely if ever be allowed to classify its citizens by race. If elections are about clear choices, this issue provides one of the starkest for the American electorate. Republicans are banking that most Americans are on their side.
Answer: Yes, it is conservatives who uphold the Constitution, despite leftwing efforts to thwart us.
Category: Politics
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INSIDE SCIENTOLOGY The Story of Americas Most Secretive Religion By Janet Reitman 444 pp. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. $28. RENDER UNTO ROME The Secret Life of Money in the Catholic Church By Jason Berry 420 pp. Crown Publishers. $25. We do not need these books to tell us that money and religion make for a poisonous combination. But it is of some - Garry Willss new book is Verdis Shakespeare, to be published in October. - By GARRY WILLS
Is free? read the first part atleast....?
i need to know because i ve recently written a story and i want to upload it on a site where people will read it (i alraedy did but they didnt have a section for YOUR OWN ORIGINAL stories so i tried cafe writers but no one reads it there so i heard about mibba from someone and decided i might try it.) So if you have any info on it, please tell and also, im going to post a part of it to see what you guys think about it. p.s this isnt the whole thing but only the first chapter three chapters (theres 14 in all)
It was a cool sunny day in Badlands city, South Dakota. The sun was high in the sky and the temperature couldn’t be better for outside activities. But as fate would have it, twelve-year-old Richard Joe Storm a.k.a R.J was stuck inside. He was at the South Dakota Biological Experiments Crew (S.D.B.E.C) science show.
R.J wasn’t exactly a genius nor did he pretend to be one. He left that to the brains of the group he hung out with, his cousin Matt. He always hung out with his cousins because they brought out the best of him. He would joke around all the time and was almost never serious. But when it came down to it he was not to be messed with. R.J usually fought to defend what he deemed right whenever the chance presented itself. But his “justice” wasn’t always the right one, and that usually got him into trouble. But he hadn’t the time for that now; he was an expensive science show.
Accompanying R.J was his friend; ten-year-old Adam Elec. Adam like R.J was a young African-American boy. He was a bit “wimpy” as everyone described him. But when he got mad that frightened little boy inside went away and he was a force to be reckoned with. The one thing that mattered most to him was his family, which included his cousin Matt.
Matt Storm was Adam’s cousin from his mom’s side and R.J’s cousin from his dad’s side. Matt was the oldest of the three. Being thirteen in the tenth grade he usually took charge when the three hung out. He was a quiet type on a normal basis but he’d been known to joke around a little. But he was someone you could depend on. When he set his mind to something there was no turning him back. His determination was unmatched and he never lost sight of his goal.
That was similar to the fourth and final member of the group. Ryan Kabooma was Adam’s adopted brother. At age eleven, Ryan a.k.a Ray was a clown. He was a pervert and a show-off. He loved to be the center of attention and wouldn’t miss a chance to show everyone what he could do.
So they all matched up, Matt’s brains put him as the leader; R.J’s fun-loving “wise-guy” personality put him as second; Ray’s constant joking and showing off placed him as the group comedian; and Adam’s family first attitude made him the heart of the group.
R.J and Adam sat down in the audience to watch the show. The first person to present was a man dressed in an army uniform. He took center stage and the audience clapped. "Welcome one and all to our first annual Badlands City science show" he began. "Today we make history as we introduce a new world to mankind. A new level has been reached as we pushed beyond the bar of natural human abilities."
"Mankind has passed so many limits before but never like this. Our power enhancing gas will open the gate for so many possibilities. Ultimate soldiers will defend our great country with the use of this gas. We will be the highest power in the world! Our army full of ultimate soldiers with endless strength, endurance, enhanced immune systems and healing factors. They will move with speed unknown to any creature on Earth. And their aging process will be slowed to half of what it is, they will fight longer and outlast any enemy."
"Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, i give you the future of America, no, the future of mankind!" Hands clapped as the audience cheered the man. The curtains behind him opened unveiling a glass pod containing a strange red liquid in which a middle-aged man floated. Two long tubes from the top reached down into his nostrils. The man inside was a retired archaeologist who signed up so that he could continue his work.
Two years back hed been a part of the S.D.B.E.C. When they came across a meteor crash site and found a strange red gem they immediately began performing tests on it. They found that it was useful to create their "performance enhancer" so they kept all that they could. Month after month they tested their formulas out on animal test subjects and came inches away from success. But one experiment terribly wrong and the dog they were using escaped, even though it was a mere pup. The gem caused an increase in aggression, strength, stamina, speed and slowed they aging process.
But now they believed they were ready to test it on a human being. The only question was, what
what the human body react to it the same? They were willing to find out, no matter what the cost. So the archaeologist signed himself up and they began their testing.
And just as the experiments before, it went horribly wrong. He opened his eyes and looked into the crowd. With an angry stare his eyes found R.J and Adam. "You!" he said, breaking through the glass. The liquid turned to gas as soon as it left the glass. The audience screamed and ran in fear. "This time I will be victorious!" the man shouted. He walked towards Adam and R.J who were frozen in shock.
As he was about two yards away their senses kicked in. They backed away until they saw a door behind them. But this was the wrong way; everyone had left through the exit behind the man. However they didnt have that choice, he singled them out and they had only one way to go.
So they turned and ran through the doorway, which led to a long hall of closets. The man as well as the gas quickly followed them.
Adams asthma slowed him down and he fell to the ground, gasping for air. R.J urged him to get up and continue running and he started to stand up. But the man caught hold of Adams leg and pulled him back. "Help!" Adam screamed in horror. R.J hesitated at first but quickly overcame his fears and rushed to aid his fallen friend.
He leapt up and gave Adams capturer a smooth axe kick right in the neck. The man stumbled back and released Adam who quickly thanked R.J as they took off running again. "I hope this works," R.J said coming to a stop.
"What fighting him." Adam asked. "Or your shoes?" Adam said looking down at R.Js unstrapped shoes
"No, were going to hide in one of these closets." R.J began explaining. "Mr. Creeps back there wont find us and hopefully" R.J said pausing as he coughed. "That gas wont get us either!"
They tried many closets until R.J found an unlocked door. They rapidly rushed in and slammed the door shut. And without a minutes time there was a thud
down the hallway. They heard a beast outside the door, grunting and growling. But in a matter of seconds it let out a loud shriek and fell to the ground.
Adam began to choke on the gas. "Dont breathe it Adam!" R.J shouted as he held his breath. But it was too late; theyd both inhaled too much of the chemicals already. They soon passed out, falling back-to-back.
Four hours later they awakened in the same dark closet. A cloud of frost radiated from R.Js body. He sat up and rubbed his head. "My hand is b-b-blue!" he yelled. Adam sat up in response to R.Js screaming. He held his hands up to his face to rub his eyes.
"The monster, hes gone right?" Adam asked. But R.J was otherwise distracted. His entire focus was on his hand. He stretched it out to see if it was alive. But as he spread his fingers the blue turned to white and ice formed at the tip of his fingers. A thin layer of ice formed in the air and then fell to the ground.
"Whoa!" he shouted in excitement. "I froze it
the water in the air is frozen! I can freeze it! Im like some kind of human fridge or something." In a way he was right; the gas had caused some kind of change in his DNA. It was now a part of his natural ability to freeze anything around him. All he had to do was learn to control it.
But his wasnt the only body changed. Adams eyes glowed a bright yellow color. Electricity flowed through his veins. It buzzed as it jumped out from his body and back in at another part. His body just as R.Js was slowly forming into an ultimate human weapon. The scientists werent aware of the fact that the gas would deliver certain unknown features to the host body. The bodies would develop unique abilities from the gas.
"R.J are you seeing this?" Adam asked as electricity zipped from his right hand to his left, temporarily lighting the closet.
R.J stood up and replied "Yeah and I think I know whats going on. That soldier guy said it was a biochemical experiment."
"So whats that mean?" A
Adam asked puzzled.
"It means that were the bio and the gas is the chemical. In short weve developed some sort of super human abilities."
"Abilities?" Adam questioned.
"Abilities." R.J replied.
"Cant we just say powers?"
"Because theyre not powers."
"Not powers?"
"Not powers."
"Why not?"
"Because theyre natural abilities."
"Why not natural powers?"
"Because we...shut up and lets go!"
"Go where?"
"Home duh. Its probably late; everyone must be worried sick. But they are not to know of our powers, got it?"
"Got it, no one can no of our powers. Except Matt, Ray would tell our mom."
"Not Matt either?"
"No, I mean not powers!"
"But you just said powers!"
"Well I meant abilities, not powers."
"Yeah but you said powers."
R.J was by now frustrated. "Listen stupid, I brought you because I thought you wouldnt be like Matt who always tries to argue over ever little thing just
to prove hes right. Or like Ray whos always trying to show off and get in your face. But you," he said poking Adam with his finger. The frost from his body raced to his hand and froze Adam chest.
He pulled his hand back and looked at it. "I froze you!" he shouted. "Im just way too cool!" He wasnt the only one excited, Adam was furious about being frozen. Electricity buzzed as he balled his fists tightly.
"Man what the heck?" he shouted. He tried to push R.J but as he reached out, all of the electricity channeled from his body to his hands. In a small spark the electricity shot from his hands and right at R.J, sending him crashing into the wall. Immediately Adam rushed over to R.J who was already sitting up.
Instead of being mad R.J was quite happy. He stood up and in unison he and Adam spoke. "Superheroes!" they shouted. "Now we can really help people!" Adam said alone.
R.J who had other plans in mind replied "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow your row Captain Boy Scout; Im in
this for the fun, nothing more than the fun. You can do your little happy sunshine hero kid thing on your own. Ill be a hero but I am not going to be an underwear costumed Boy Scout like you!"
Annoyed by that remark, Adam replied with " I just think helping others for the good of it is the best thing we can do."
"Whatever electro dork. Im just doing it for the fun, even though Im not even supposed to fight."
"Why not?"
"My religion, duh."
"Not even to defend others?"
"It doesnt matter I still fight anyways. But enough about that, lets start walking home."
So they headed out, retracing their steps. They soon found an exit and walked to it. They opened the door and were in for a big surprise. They were immediately stared down by a group of police and the news media. "Stop right there!" a policewoman yelled.
The boys stood frozen in shock. A reporter and his photographer jumped over the police line that surrounded the building. "Excuse me boys," he began.
"May I have a question." before the boys could respond the police officer pushed the reporter and the photographer (who was trying to get a good picture of the boys) behind the lines. The photographer wound up getting a picture of their shoes only and she wasnt happy about that. She and the reporter began complaining to the officer about their rights and what not.
After finally making the reporter and his photographer shut up the policewoman turned to the boys. "You want to tell me what the hell you two were doing in there?" she asked.
They looked at each other and looked around. Their vision was blurring from the flashing police lights. The cameras began to explode, one by one. ‘This is not good!’ R.J thought to himself. ‘But wait, this is perfect!’ He looked at Adam and without a word they took off running back into the building.
Down the halls they ran not looking back. They left the crowd surprised, and the police were heated! At first the policewoman stood still with the
rest of the crowd, but soon she and her unit of three took off chasing the boys. With a head start and previous knowledge of the building R.J managed to evade the police and lead Adam to an upstairs exit.
When they reached the top and ran out the door R.J and Adam discovered that the stairs were never added. The door was the last thing to touch before you went three stories down. "Well theres only one way to go," R.J began as he looked down at the ground below.
"No way!" Adam said terrified. "Im not jumping from a six story building!"
"Good because I dont mean down; were going up!" R.J replied.
"Up?" Adam queried. "How do you suppose well do that?"
"Ive been thinking: if I can freeze you, I can surely freeze water. And there just happens to be plenty of water in the air. If I can freeze enough of it in one spot, we can stand on it and that means I can make a bridge to run on!"
"Are you sure itll be safe? What if we slip?"
"Well have to risk it; those cops
are pretty angry right now and will probably kill us" R.J replied hearing the heavy footsteps of the police running up the stairs. He focused all of his energy into his hands and channeled it out into a cloud of frost. The cloud froze the water and formed a small plank from the floor inside the building.
R.J cautiously stepped on the board and continued to extend it by creating more ice. Adam soon followed and they began carefully walking across the slippery pathway. The police came bursting through the door just as the boys were about twelve feet away from the door. Scared to step on the ice, the police pulled out their guns and began firing at it.
Sweat poured down R.J and Adams faces as they began timidly running to avoid getting shot. But just as he feared, Adam fell and the ice behind him was crumbling. R.J turned back to help him up. They stood up together and almost got shot in the head. Luckily the gas also improved the reflexes and they dodged the bullet just in time.
Adams fear began to get replaced by his anger. His eyes were glowing bright as electricity flashed in them. A large electric sphere encased him as electrons were pulled from the air. Everyone looked on in astonishment, but the police continued to fire at him. In a sudden flash, the energy field grew three times its size while Adam angrily shouted, "Stop iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"
The force of the field knocked the police back and crushed the walls of the building the were in. The ice broke and R.J began falling. But Adam remained floating in mid-air. It seemed as if hed also developed the ability to fly.
R.J who wasnt so fortunate tried to recreate the bridge. But with nothing to support it was just a useless falling chunk of ice. R.J stood steadily on the ice until it neared a building. He jumped off and grabbed the edge of the building that was under the bridge. He safely managed to pull himself aboard and rolled over onto his back.
His heart was rapidly beating
beating while he was gasping for breath. R.J stopped panting long enough to say, "I never want to do that again!"
Adam soon descended as he calmed down. His eyes turned back to normal and he softly landed. "Look on the bright side," he said looking at R.J. "Ive discovered yet another power of mine and you dont have to kill yourself trying to see if you can fly, we already know you cant."
Sitting up, R.J smiled and replied "Weve got to tell Matt about this!"
They headed home once more, except this time Adam flew and R.J made a long ice bridge, which he slid on to go fast. They began conversing about their superhero names and catchphrases. “Okay so I’ll just yell: freeze and then you come in and say: if you think you’re getting away with that you’re in for a real shock!” R.J suggested.
Adam agreed and added “and my name can be Shocker and yours can be Captain Cool, or Cool Kid!”
But R.J didn’t agree to use those “lame names”.
“Captain Cool?” he rhetorically asked. “That’d be like Mega Moron or something! I’m not calling myself that or Cool Kid. I like…hmm…Zero.”
“Zero?” Adam inquired. “Why would you call yourself a zero?”
R.J gave a simple explanation. “It stands for absolute zero, the lowest temperature possible. And I’ll put a little degrees sign in front of a z for my symbol.”
Adam understood now. “And for mine I’ll put a lightning bolt shaped like an s. And my costume can be all black with my symbol on the front in yellow. Then I’ll have a black half-mask and a yellow cape. Of course I’ll have yellow gloves and boots and my symbol on my chest.
"Yeah and Ill do the same with mine except in blue and of course my little z degrees. Oh and instead of a mask Ill wear some snow goggles to show my power!"
"Now we just need a team name!"
"Yeah, something that represents both of us."
"Its got to show that were tough fighters!"
"That were a force to be reckoned with!"
"Something like..."
"Oh I got it!"
"Nah, never mind..."
"How about..."
"How about..."
"Uh huh, how about what?"
"Nah...lets try...nah..."
"Oh I got the perfect idea!"
"Me too!"
"You first."
"No you."
In unison, the boys spoke. "Okay, here it is. THE WEATHER WARRIORS!"
R.J then spoke alone, " its perfect, weather like snowstorms for me and thunderstorms for you!"
"Yeah!" Adam replied. So immediately they rushed home. They both ran this time and at a high speed of thirty-eight mph, and still going up. They ran on the filthy pavement and past the dirty graffiti ridden walls. They came to a street light and by reflex they both just flipped over all of the cars in the street and kept going.
They made it to R.Js house in great time seeing as they used their new powers. Once they arrived at the door R.J unlocked it and they ran inside. immediately R.J started looking through his clothes.
"Help!" came a call from an alley nearby. "Help me someone!" an old man yelled.
"We got to help him!"
"Well duh, but first well need costumes" R.J said looking through his clothes. His room wasnt exactly clean, in fact it was a big mess! But he managed to find some black gloves and some ski masks. "Here, well use this stuff for now!" He threw Adam a mask and some gloves.
"What about my costume?" Adam said holding out his read tee shirt over his black jeans.
"You can borrow a black shirt of mines and then just paint your symbol on it and the mask."
"Alright" Adam said picking up a shirt out of the pile of clothes. " I hope this is clean."
"Just put it on!"
Adam took his tee shirt off to put on R.Js shirt. But as he removed his shirt he looked in the mirror and had a great surprise. "Whoa!" he said looking at his body. Not only had he developed powers but his bodys physical form was also changed. His body was forming into a perfect soldiers body,
which was certainly not thick, like he was before. Now his muscles had grown and were visible even without him flexing. "Dude Im buff!" he shouted in excitement.
R.J jumped up and threw his shirt off to look at his self. "Forget you, Im so buff its retarded!" Although he was exaggerating, his body was also changing. They were certainly in perfect shape to call themselves warriors.
"Help me someone please!" the old man called.
Immediately Adam and R.J put on the black shirts and gloves. They rushed into the family room an drew the symbols on their masks. "Shocker lets go!" R.J yelled.
"Got it zero!"
He and Shocker ran out the door and took off towards the direction of the cries. At the door a shadow appeared as a young man stepped out from the bushes. "Adam and R.J" he spoke. "Zero and Shocker."
The two "Weather Warriors" traveled to the alley with absolutely no human contact but each other. They landed and ran inside the alley. But almost as soon as theyd start
started running they stopped. It was pitch black and they couldnt see anything. The cold dark air sent a terrible chill down Shockers spine.
Another sudden cry from the man scared Shocker and he jumped back charging his hands. The electricity illuminated the alley and Shocker felt silly for not thinking to do so earlier. In reaction to light, an alerted head looked up from behind a dumpster. It was a dog and it didnt seem too happy to see Shocker and Zero.
It backed out from behind the dumpster baring its menacing eight inch fangs. Its five inch claws dug into the ground as it bent its muscular legs. Its grayish-brown fur stood up on the top in the form of small spikes. Standing at a frightening eight feet, it shook the ground below with a thunderous bark.
Zero jumped forward to attack the dog but Shocker jumped and hit him to the side. The dog took a snap at their legs but missed.
They hit the ground and Zero threw Shocker off of him. "Adam what the hell?" Zero whispered.
"You cant harm that dog Zero, and call me Shocker while were in costume!"
"Yes I can, Im plenty strong now!" Zero replied.
"No I dont mean that. The dog, it isnt a normal dog. Im guessing it was exposed to the same gas we were."
"Yeah, so?"
"So it isnt the dogs fault its gone crazy, its those scientists!"
"Well we cant just let it go around hurting and killing people."
"I know, well need to make the scientist fix it, so we need to capture it!"
"Alright then, here goes!" Zero rushed forward and jumped up while blasting large ice spikes around the dog. Once the dog was surrounded Zero created a thick plate of ice to cover it. "That will hold him, for now."
Shocker walked over to the old man who was curled up to help him stand up. "Keep away from me!" the man shouted. "Take your monster mutt and go you freaks!"
"But were the heroes," Shocker muttered.
"Leave him Shocker. Lets go, theres going to be more people like him."
Just as they headed out the alley they heard police sirens blaring. The police car whirled around the corner and almost crashed into the boys. Apparently someone had heard the man and called for help, it just happened to take the police while to get there because the police station was so far away.
A woman stepped out of the car and pointed a gun at the boys. "Put your hands in the air!" she commanded. Immediately Zero and Shocker both recognized her; she was the same police woman from earlier.
"Oh look, a giant dog," Zero said sarcastically.
The police woman looked behind Zero and Shocker and saw the caged dog. "What the hell?" She said frightened. "You two are those punks from earlier! Ha! I got you now!"
"Are you sure?" Zero said smirking. "Or do we have you?" he said looking down.
The police woman looked down and noticed ice creeping up her legs, she was stuck!
"Lets move!" Zero said as he and Shocker took off. The police woman watched in shock as they took to the sky.
She turned her head back around and the dog was gone as well. "Damn!" she said too herself. "Ill get you two for this!" she shouted at the boys.
However they were unable to hear her because they were so far away. They were headed to R.Js house to change back. They rushed to the small, old house with great speed.Finally they made it to R.Js house. But this time there was a note on the door. R.J picked it up and read it. "It says: dear doofis," R.J began. "Were staying at uncle Williams house because you two idiots put Nana in the hospital! Get some clothes and come over to Matts right now, and take Adam home, his mom is worried sick."
"Let me guess," Adam said after R.J finished reading. "That was Veronica right?"
"Yup, shes an idiot. I cant believe Nanas in the hospital."
"Yeah, mines and Matts grandma. We live with her because, well i dont like to talk about what happened to my mom and I dont know where my dad anymore, he left us here one day and told us wed be living here until he could make some money to take care of us better."
"Oh, my bad. Well lets go inside!" Together they rushed inside and picked up their clothes. "Hey lets put our clothes over our costumes like on cartoons!" Adam suggested.
"Yeah so that we can be ready to fight whenever we need to!" R.J replied. Quickly they got dressed. R.J packed a bag of clothes and they were ready to leave. As they left Adam prepared to fly. But just as he left the ground Matt flipped off the roof. Adam landed just as he did.
"Hey doofis," Matt began. "Where the heck were you two dorks all day?"
Nowhere really," Adam replied. " And you?"
"I was out free-running, you should try it some time."
"Thats not important!" R.J said cutting in. "What the hell were you doing on my roof?"
"I was waiting for you two idiots. I got sent out to look for you two after they all got tired. Nanas in the hospital after some creep made her faint so theyre really worried about you two now. Oh by the way, told me to give you these." He pulled out two phones; one black with a yellow stripe and the other black with a blue stripe. He gave them to the other boys and they looked at them.
"Cool!" R.J said looking at his new phone."
"Yeah well wed better start walking home." Matt said. "I told them Id have you two clowns back in twenty minutes and Im already at twelve." So they all began walking home, talking about their days. But of course, they excluded the part about their powers.
They decided since Adam was the youngest he should be home first. So they walked up his door and knocked on it. "As-salamu-alaikum" Ray said opening the door. This being a Muslim greeting simply means peace be upon you. Matt, Ray, and Adam were all Muslims. R.J, on the other hand was a Jehovahs Witness. But not once did the boys argue over religion, after all, they were family.
They wiped their feet and stepped inside. Immediately Adams mom rushed in from her room and gave Adam a big squeeze! "Oh my baby I thought I lost you!" She said sobbing and kissing him on the cheek. "We heard about happened at the science show and went out to search for you two. We were out searching all day and night and exhaustion caught up to us when R.Js grandmother passed out after a police woman told her shed seen two boys who were mutated into freaks. She thought you two were mutants but thank goodness youre not!"
"Yeah, were okay now mom" Adam said patting her back.
"Yeah but my mom is still worried about this idiot, I have to get him home." Matt and R.J shut the door and started for Matts house. They ran across the wet grass fields and up the cold stairs. Matt opened the door and R.J received the same response that Adam received at his house. Matts mom hugged R.J so tight that he couldnt breathe.
"R.J you better never scare us like that again!" she said. "We were all worried sick!"
"Its okay auntie" R.J reassured. " We werent hurt. But we are tired, I just need to rest a while."
"Well since Davids still at work, you can change his sheets and sleep in his bed. Hell just have to sleep on the couch."
"Okay," R.J replied. So he followed Matt into the back. They walked into Matts room. It was a mess like his own, with clothes and paper on the floor. There was a broken light bulb on the window sill.
"Ive been busy so its a mess but whatever," Matt said flicking on the light.
"Well Im going to go change," R.J said as he headed to the bathroom. After flexing in the mirror for a while R.J changed and walked into the bedroom. He changed the bedsheets and laid down. Peace had finally come for R.J and Adam.Their day of excitement and adventure was finally over.
Their troubles however were just beginning. That night they had created their first enemy. Police officer Terra Erif was in major trouble due to the escape of the boys. All around the city people were mutated and some werent willing to go the hospital. Officer Erif was ordered to capture Adam and R.J and she failed to do so. Her job was on the line so as a final order she was commanded to bring the boys in dead or alive, and she hoped for the worst in their case.
And she would have her chance. As she walked to her car after recieving the command, she noticed a strange man in all black standing at her car. He wore a black hat and tipped it over to hide his face.
"So," he said in a deep voice. "The two not only made a fool out of you but they are also costing you your job."
"Who are you?" she asked.
"A friend," he said reaching his hand out.
"Not of mine," she replied.
"Thats cold Erif. Especially since after I help you take those biological blunders down, Ill be your best friend."
"I dont work with criminals."
"Erif?" her boss yelled out the door of the police department. "Are you still there? I told you to get your sorry ass out there and find those troublesome kids. But I guess youre just like your brother, too incompetent to do anything right!"
"Shut the hell up!" she shouted back. "All your fat ass does is give a orders and stuff your face while I go out there and work hard! And for what? So your lazy ass can chew my head off over some science mishaps! I quit! Im tired of this bullshit! " She threw her badge and gun and walked over to the mysterious man."Im in," she said.
As she and her new partner walked off the chief whispered to himself "Son of a..."
Hours later the sun rose to start a new day in Badlands City. R.J awakened with the brilliant rays of the sun on his face. He sat up and saw Matt on the ground doing push-ups. Matt stood up and said "fifty more sit-ups and Im done for now."
"Whats up with you?" R.J asked. "Youre not fat so why you working out?"
"Im entering a martial arts fighting tournament. I was actually hoping you guys would enter with me."
"Because its a four-on-four tournament. We can enter as a group and win that 250 dollar prize."
"Thats cool, well split it sixty-two fifty." R.J replied while thinking to himself me and Adam can use our money to buy new costumes.
While Matt and R.J were talking about the tournament across the yard Adam just got out of his bath. He was spiking his hair when he noticed electricity zipping from the electric plugs to his hands.
He reached his hand forward and the electricity jumped out and covered his arm. His arm went into the plug as if it were electricity. "This is too cool!" he said turning his whole body into electricity.
He flew inside the plug and dashed around at the speed of light. He zoomed around until he found another opening. When he jumped through it he found that he was on top of a telephone wire on the streets. "No way!" he said looking below. He jumped back in and flew back to his house. He came out through the same plug hed entered.
He opened the door and stepped outside into his room. "Mom me and R.J are going to go for a walk," he said.
"You guys better not pull a stunt like yesterday!" came a reply from his mother. "Be back by three or youre in trouble!"
"Kay," he said tying his shoes. He looked over to Rays bunk which was above his own and noticed that it was empty. "Hm, must be out with Matt again." He rushed out the door and slammed it shut.
After looking around he flew straight up into the air and towards Matts house. He landed on the stairs and knocked on the door.
"Lets go!" R.J said stepping out. They took off to the sky together. Adam told R.J about his new power and demonstrated it by flying into a telephone wire. "Thats cool but dude I got better news!" R.J said coming to a stop.
"What?" Adam inquired.
"Well theres a fighting tournament coming up and Matt, Ray, and I were going to join it as a group. Well be sure to win because Matt and Ray are martial artists and you and I have powers! Well just use our reflexes and strength to kick some ass!"
"Yeah cool!" Adam excitedly relied.
"And with the sixty two dollars well make me and you can make some cool new costumes!"
"Yeah cause its kind of annoying wearing these costumes under our clothes."
" Hey look there it is!" R.J said pointing out the training dojo. They landed behind the building and walked around to the front.
They went inside and saw a stack of papers that read "tournament entries." They each grabbed one and signed it putting their other team members names on it. As they headed out Adam looked around at the beautiful red carpet and amazing dragon and tiger pictures on the walls.
When they stepped out the door a newspaper hit R.J in the face. He took it off and read the headline. "Freak accident cause city full of Biological blunders" he read. "Two unidentified boys were seen fleeing the scene. Doctor Terry Erif was mixed up in this and now rests in the hospital. Scientists search for a cure to heal all the freaks involved in this incident."
"Hm, so were not the only people with supewrpowers?" Adam asked.
"No, but we are going to go visit professor Erif."
"And Nana right?"
"No, auntie Tuere and everybody else are going to visit her later, well go with them." The two walked to the hospital which was about a mile away. The streets were a mess, traffic was terrible.
Cars were trying to get away from the hospital as quickly as possible. People were even running on the sidewalk; almost crashing into Adam and R.J. But the two managed to make their way into the hospital. However they were unable to visit professor Erif. "I cant tell you much but Ill tell you this" a nurse said to the boys. "All those people arent running for their health, their trying to get as far away from him as possible. Hes no longer here but even the thought of him scares me!"
Disappointed, Adam and R.J walked out of the hospital. As they stepped out they saw two mutant men across the street arguing. One of them looked like a dog with his long ears and long face. The other had enlarged hands and feet. "I told to get me the money by today and instead you get us turned into monsters?" He pulled out a gun to the other mutant mans head.
"Uh-oh!" Adam said watching closely.
"Lets move!" R.J said running behind the building.
He took off his street clothes to show his hero clothes. Adam soon followed. Together they headed out as Zero and Shocker! "Freeze!" Zero said standing above the men.
"You guys are in for a real shock!" Shocker said floating next to Zero.
"Who the hell are you?" the dog man said.
In a proud unison, Shocker and Zero replied "were the WEATHER WARRIORS!"
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Category: Books & Authors
NEW JUSTICE CENTRE TO BE SET UP | Singapore Alternative News
7 hours ago ... SINGAPORE - A new Community Justice Centre which would be set up later this year looks set to give more help to litigants who wish to ...
Prosecutors-to-set-up-new-‘community-justice-center’ - Chicago ...
Prosecutors to set up new ‘community justice center’ at UIC BY FRANK MAIN Staff Reporter/ ...
Capital market crimes centre set up | Bangkok Post: breakingnews
... Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has set up a centre ... Published: 13/02/2012 at 06:32 PM; Online news: News ... Narat Sawetanant, an inspector-general at the Justice ...
Consortium to set up multi-million Catapult centre
Consortium bid will play a pivotal role in setting up the Offshore ... is another milestone in its journey to establish the new network of Catapults. The Catapult centre ...
Bill Lueders column: Judge nonprofit news by the work
probing news and information." The Center has also gotten $235,000 since 2009 from billionaire George Soros Foundation to Promote Open Society and the Open Society Institute, set up "to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments ...
THESE are not just their stories. Many of the 456 episodes that made up the stunning 20-year run of Law & Order were based on real, recognizable news stories -- loosely based, at least. We take the headline, not the body copy, Dick Wolf, the shows creator, explained in 1997, because the first half of the show is a murder mystery and
Protesters rally against advice centre cuts | Eastlondonlines
The centre, which helps women, men and children suffering from domestic violence, is set to lose almost £100000 worth of funding. ... A statement by the campaigners said: “The £30000 'increase' put forward by the Conservative Council in their new budget is not to the Family Justice Centre but to the Family Resilience Team, which covers domestic violence only as part of 5 ... EastLondonLines has scoured the boroughs to find the best coming-up event near you.
Is this a good plot for a book?
Ive already named it, its called Behind Violet Eyes. The story centres around fourteen year old Violet who ironically has violet coloured eyes. Before Violet was born her mother and father were deeply in love, but when her mother told her father that she was pregnant he did a runner and she turned to drinking and became an alcoholic. Violets mother blamed Violet for the failed marriage and verbally and physically abuses her. Violets mother is a lawyer and a productive part of the community (this is set in the slums of London). Violet is badly bullied at school so her life really sucks. One day in year nine a new girl called Hetty comes to Violets school. Hetty is instantly drawn to Violet and they instantly become the best of friends. Hetty wonders why Violet is so skittish, shy and quiet and she gets it out of Violet and is eventually able to urge Violet to come clean about the abuse and go to the police. Violet does but the police refuse to believe her and she is branded an attention seeking liar and she is treated terribly at school by everyone except Hetty because she knows its the truth. (Shes seen the tears and the bruises) One night Violets mother has been drinking and comes in Violets bedroom and shoots her and Violet is killed. Violets mother makes it look like suicide and tells the police she stole the gun and shot herself. Hetty knows otherwise. She is distraught and highly depressed. Violet (now this may be a tad confusing so bear with me) anyway Violet is caught in a place of the dead where the dead cannot go up to the place of the dead because they have highly important things to do in the land of the living but they are dead so they cannot stay on earth. She cant remember who she was but little things like the school jog her memory and everything comes flooding back. She goes and finds Hetty and spends quite a while convincing Hetty shes there. Hetty finally believes her and toether they go out to seek justice for Violets death. They find and use clues such as Violets diary etc and Violets mother is nailed and Violet goes up to the land of the dead with her grandmother (the only adult that was truly nice to her)
Two things
One: Is that a good plot?
Two: Would you read it?
Answer: Well yes, it's pretty creative, but I'm seeing problems.
1) Do you know about London? I live just outside it and there are no 'slums'. Maybe it was just bad wording on your part - there are some poorer areas - but whatever you do, make sure you really know the area you're writing about.
2) Why on earth would the police not believe she was being abused. That just doesn't happen these days. You should research that area too.
3) I find it very surprising that a single mother and pillar of the community in London would have a gun. Again, make sure you do your research.
4) Just a warning: in my opinion, it would be a non-starter to begin the story at the same place you begun your synopsis. A lot of this is backstory which can be explained as part of the main action, which to me seems to be when Violet meets Hetty. This, I think, is where you should start your story.
Good luck x
Category: Books & Authors
SINGAPORE: A new Community Justice Centre which would be set up later this year looks set to give more help to litigants who wish to represent themselves in court. The centre will provide greater integration of legal aid and social assistance to ...
Ladies and gentlemen Obama is now putting the first Guantanomo Prisoner on trial....?
Edith Honan
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United States transferred the first detainee from the Guantanamo Bay prison on Tuesday to stand trial in a U.S. civilian court in a test case for President Barack Obamas plans to close the controversial prison for foreign terrorism suspects.
Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, a Tanzanian held at the U.S. naval base in Cuba since 2006 accused of involvement in the bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, arrived in New York escorted by U.S. marshals, the Department of Justice said.
Ghailani faces 286 counts, including charges of conspiring with Osama bin Laden and other members of al Qaeda to kill Americans anywhere in the world, and separate charges of murder for each of the 224 people killed in the bombings in Tanzania and Kenya on August 7, 1998.
He was to be arraigned in a Manhattan court at 4 p.m. EDT.
The transfer was made three weeks after Obama laid out his plans for closing the Guantanamo camp by January 2010. The prison, long a target of criticism by human rights groups, was opened in 2002 under President George W. Bush after the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.
Bringing Ghailani to the United States and putting him on trial in a U.S. civilian court will test Obamas contention that some of the around 240 detainees at the camp can be brought to trial in criminal cases and imprisoned in the United States.
The Democratic president has faced resistance from some members of the Democratic-controlled Congress over the prospect of bringing Guantanamo inmates to the United States, on the grounds they could endanger Americans security.
The Obama administration says that terrorism suspects can be safely held in the United States and the president has pledged not to release into the United States any detainee who might be a threat.
"The Justice Department has a long history of securely detaining and successfully prosecuting terror suspects through the criminal justice system, and we will bring that experience to bear in seeking justice in this case," Attorney General Eric Holder said in a Justice Department statement.
The department said there are currently 216 inmates in U.S. prisons who have some connection to terrorism, including Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahmann and Ramzi Yousef, who were convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and Zacarias Moussaoui, who was convicted of conspiring with al Qaeda to crash planes into buildings as part of the September 11 attacks.
Several of the charges against Ghailani, including murder of U.S. employees at the embassies and use and attempted use of weapons of mass destruction against U.S. nationals, carry maximum sentences of death or life in prison.
Eleven people were killed and at least 85 were wounded in the embassy bombing in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and 213 people were killed in Nairobi, Kenya.
In a speech on Guantanamo last month, Obama laid out options for the detainees held there:
- those to be tried in U.S. criminal courts Continued...
- those to be released or sent to other countries
- those to be tried in revised military tribunals
- those whose release would pose a danger but cannot be cannot be prosecuted.
Human rights groups criticized Obama for leaving open the option of trial in military tribunals -- which were set up under Bush -- and the possibility of indefinite detention.
Zachary Katznelson, legal director of Reprieve, a London-based group of human rights lawyers who work on Guantanamo cases said of the Ghailani case:
"This should be a model for other cases as well. Suspects should be brought to civilian courts, which are tried and tested and which get the job done, rather to military courts where they are essentially making it up as they go along."
Ghailani is charged with helping to buy a truck and oxygen and acetylene tanks used in the Tanzania bombing, and of loading boxes of TNT, detonators, and other equipment into the back of the truck in the weeks immediately before the bombing.
At a 2007 hearing at Guantanamo Bay to determine that he was an "enemy combatant," Ghailani confessed and apologized for supplying equipment used in the Tanzania bombing but said he did not know the supplies would be used to attack the embassy, according to military transcripts.
He told the Guantanamo review panel he bought the TNT used in the bombing, purchased a cell phone used by another person involved in the attack and was present when a third person bought a truck used in the attack, the transcript said.
(Writing by Anthony Boadle; Editing by Frances Kerry)
Answer: Yes Obama is human and respect the human rights
Category: Current Events
is American justice system corrupted?
Innocent life-sentence convicts freed by DNA tests still suffer
James Bain walked out of a Florida prison in December after spending 35 years incarcerated for the rape and kidnapping of a 9-year-old boy.
That same month a judge in Washington ordered Donald Gates released after he had served 28 years for the rape and murder of a 21-year-old college student who had been shot five times in the head.
Last month Greg Taylor was let out of a North Carolina prison after spending 17 years locked up for the 1991 murder of Jacquetta Thomas, whose battered body was discovered in a cul-de-sac in Raleigh, the state capital.
The three man share a horrifying reality: they never should have been imprisoned in the first place.
Mr Bain and Mr Gates are among the at least 245 people in the United States who DNA testing has shown someone else was responsible for the crimes for which they were imprisoned.
Mr Taylor became the first person set free by the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission, established in 2006 after a series of wrongful convictions, when a three-judge panel found “clear and convincing evidence” that he was innocent.
The trio’s wrongful incarcerations and return to society come at a time when states are increasingly grappling with soul-searching questions: how much are those lost years worth? How does society compensate a person for taking away his freedom? How do you calculate the monetary value of birthdays and holidays missed with loved ones? Career opportunities eviscerated? A son’s first Little League game or daughter’s high school graduation never to be experienced?
Rebecca Brown, policy advocate at the Innocence Project at the Benjamin Cardoza School of Law at New York’s Yeshiva University, which works to exonerate wrongfully convicted people, said: “It would be impossible to restore a life to what it was pre-incarceration, but society has an obligation to do all it can to do so.
“Even the best restitution framework cannot be defined as fair, per se, but society must do everything possible to provide compassionate assistance upon release,” she said.
In this regard, Mr Bain, Mr Gates and Mr Taylor are in better situations than many others who have been released from prison after wrongful convictions. The jurisdictions that convicted and incarcerated them have compensation laws.
An Innocence Project report last year found that 23 states do not offer any compensation at all and that 40 per cent of those released because DNA testing proved their innocence “have not received any compensation and many more received only a paltry amount that fell far short of repaying their losses or helping them get established in the free world”.
Of the 27 states that have compensation laws, the amount offered varies from New Hampshire’s $20,000 (Dh73,460) maximum to Texas’s $80,000 per year of wrongful incarceration with no max-out amount to Tennessee’s $1 million total allowed.
Florida, where Mr Bain, was imprisoned, offers $50,000 a year for each year incarcerated, meaning he is eligible to receive $1.75 million as well as 120 paid-for hours of tuition at a career centre, community college or state university.
Mr Taylor can collect the maximum amount allowed under North Carolina law, $750,000, for his 17 years in prison. The Tar Heel state also offers job training and education tuition waivers.
In Washington, DC, the decision of how much to award in compensation is up to the judge, who would likely cite federal law as the guide. It offers $50,000 for each year imprisoned – $100,000 a year if on death row. Mr Gates could receive $1.4 million.
The Innocence Project report pointed out that only five states meet the federal standard of $50,000 a year, adopted in 2004, and that the “median amount of financial assistance per year of wrongful imprisonment is approximately $24,000” while “the median US household income is over $50,000 per year – more than twice as much as this”.
“New laws in Texas, Vermont and North Carolina provide better financial assistance and an array of support services. But these good laws are the exception not the rule ... and they benefit only the exonerated in those particular states,” the report said. “For exonerees in other parts of the country, the punishment continues long after exoneration.”
Ms Brown said all states should adopt not only “monetary compensation at a minimum of $50,000 per year” but also a “provision of services immediately upon release”.
“The state absolutely has an obligation in this area,” she said. “At minimum, subsistence assistance, housing, transportation, medical and mental health services, education, job skills training are required.”
Jeffery Deskovic is emblematic of the need for such services. Sent to a New York prison at the age of 17 for the rape and murder of a high school classmate, he had little experience in the
Answer: Of course!
Category: Law & Ethics
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[CNA] Community Justice Centre to be set up: SINGAPORE: A new Community Justice Centre which would be... #singapore From: sgbroadcast - Source: twitterfeed
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DTN Singapore: Community Justice Centre to be set up: SINGAPORE: A new Community Justice Centre which would be s... From: DTNSingapore - Source: twitterfeed
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